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Enhance Your Website with a Find the Needle Member Badge

In today's digitally connected world, networking and building trust within your industry are essential. One way to establish credibility and showcase your affiliation with a reputable business directory is by adding a "Find the Needle" member badge to your website. The "Find the Needle" platform connects businesses, helps increase visibility, and strengthens your online presence. By displaying their badge on your website, you signal to visitors that you are a part of this community, making it a valuable addition to your online marketing strategy.

In this article, we'll guide you through the process of adding a Find the Needle member badge to your website. We'll provide you with the necessary HTML code and even offer contact information if you need any assistance.

Why Add a Find the Needle Member Badge?

Adding a Find the Needle member badge to your website offers several benefits:

  1. Credibility: By displaying this badge, you align your business with a reputable online directory, which can enhance your credibility.

  2. Visibility: The badge can help improve your online visibility and attract potential customers who recognise the Find the Needle brand.

  3. Networking: It highlights your affiliation with a platform designed to connect businesses, potentially leading to new opportunities and partnerships.

  4. Trust: Trust is a vital factor in any business relationship. A Find the Needle badge can reassure your website visitors that your business is trustworthy.

Adding the Badge to Your Website

To add the Find the Needle member badge to your website, you'll need to include a small snippet of HTML code. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Obtain the Badge Code: First, you need to request the badge code from Find the Needle. You can reach out to Anthony for this code. You can contact him via email at or by phone at 01376 311141.

  2. HTML Implementation: Once you have the code, copy and paste it into your website's HTML where you want the badge to appear. Here's an example of what the HTML code might look like:

<a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="Find the Needle Member Badge"> </a>

Make sure to replace "" with the URL of your Find the Needle company page, and the badge source ("") with the URL of your badge image if you want the Member Since year date included. The target="_blank" attribute ensures that the badge opens in a new tab when clicked.

  1. Customise: You can customise the badge's appearance to match your website's design. Adjust the image size, placement, and alignment as needed.

  2. Testing: After adding the code, ensure that the badge appears correctly on your website. Check the link to confirm it directs visitors to your Find the Needle company page.


Adding a Find the Needle member badge to your website is a simple yet effective way to enhance your online presence, build trust, and connect with potential customers and partners. By displaying this badge, you showcase your affiliation with a respected business directory, signaling to visitors that your business is part of a community that values transparency and trust.

If you encounter any issues while implementing the badge or need assistance with obtaining the badge code, don't hesitate to contact Anthony at or 01376 311141. He will be more than happy to help you.

Embrace the power of online networking and enhance your website with the "Find the Needle" member badge today. It's a small addition that can make a big difference in establishing your business as a credible and trusted entity in your industry.

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