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3 Creative Ways of Using Bulk SMS

Even with many new messaging technologies on the market, SMS or short messages is still among the most used in the UK. Bulk SMS is very handy for businesses. There are a lot of ways your business can benefit from using bulk SMS, but in this article we are going to talk about the top 3 most creative ways. Let’s get started, shall we?

2-Factor Authentication

If you’re offering services or products that require customers to log in, then bulk SMS is definitely the way to provide 2-factor authentication for added security. Every time a customer logs into his or her account, a verification code is sent via SMS automatically. The customer will then have to enter the correct code to complete the login process.

2-factor authentication is not the best, most secured way of protecting users’ accounts, but the extra layer of safety it provides is often more than enough to prevent unauthorized access. You can also reduce the number of security breaches in general.

SMS Polls

Another great way to use bulk SMS is to run polls through it. Instead of hosting an online poll or handing out questionnaires, you can actually get more customer responses and gain a lot of insight through SMS polls.

SMS polls are easy to run too. Instead of sending multiple questions, you ask your customers one question in particular. They can then text a reply and the system will automatically process the data for you. At the end of the poll, you’ll be able to access the results online or from the generated report.

SMS polls are great for several things. For example, you can ask customers to choose the upcoming menu for your coffee shop through SMS messages. This adds an interesting interaction between you and your customers too; customers will be more likely to visit when the new menu is out since they help decide the menu to go for.

Location-Based Promotions

Some bulk SMS service providers – and the technologies behind them – now let you send bulk SMS messages based on the recipients’ location. You can, for instance, target those who are within a couple of miles from your store. The content of the message can be anything from a special promo to today’s special menu.

Location-based bulk SMS is very effective. Customers are already near your business, so they can jump to making a purchase decision almost immediately. You can also offer exclusive deals to nearby customers that others can’t access, making the promotional offer much more targeted and effective. You can also choose to widen the range and reach more people with the promotional offers.

Paired with the fact that bulk SMS is now very affordable, and we have a great marketing tool nonetheless. There are other usage ideas to explore too. The three creative ways of using bulk SMS we talked about in this article are just some of the things you can do with the service. Integrate text messages into your marketing efforts and find more ways to benefit from it.
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