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4 Changes To Make When Marketing Your Local Business

Marketing your local business  


Not all marketing strategies go to plan. However, don't let this be a failure - you can change your plan to suit your new needs and thrive!

So when things aren’t going to plan for your independent business, don’t panic. Follow these four alterations, and you’ll see change for the better!

1. Get Customizing

Customization is a fantastic way to get prospective customers involved in your organization. In buying bulk custom patches, you can carry your brand outside the four walls of your company - and into the homes and hearts of your customers.

Your business is unique to you. Likely, you’ve already found the niche that celebrates what you’re doing and why you’re doing it, so say that in a design that people can wear proudly!

Why not consider the love existing for your company among your current clients, and use them as your new marketing tool? In getting your clients to be your brand ambassadors, you’re sure to catch the eye of new customers and get word of mouth moving again!

2. Ensure Community Engagement

Are you engaging with your community? And if so, how are you engaging with them?

Imagine you opened a cafe five years ago and threw a party for your customers on your cafe’s anniversary every year. That’s a wonderful and surefire way to get clients through your doors - annually and throughout the year. But is it getting the right customers or even new clients? 

Other independent businesses note that community support is rewarding for their company in terms of morale and finances. So could you change the way you engage with them? You could: 

• Throw a party at Christmas for your customers to mix, mingle, and get special discounts.

• Partner with a local charity and share your work in-store and online.

• Co-ordinate a local event with another local independent business and join forces for a day!

3. Tell Your Story

Being independent allows you to show off your unique brand personality. People will be interested in your story, so are you telling it? 

Storytelling in business is crucial; it reminds people of what matters, and your company should genuinely matter to them. So use storytelling to your advantage by chatting to clients, creating e-newsletters, getting it out on social media - whatever you can do, tell your story.

4. Alter Your Social Media Presence

Anyone can be on social media, but are you aware of all you can do once you’re on there? Imagine you have an Instagram account; when someone tags your organization in their post, are you reposting that? If not, why not? 

Social media opens up a world of opportunities, so consider the following:

• Showing behind-the-scenes footage

• Creating a ‘day-in-the-life-of’ for the different roles in your business

• Construct YouTube shorts each time you provide something for your community

Make Change!

Changes don’t have to be radical to make a difference. So throw out what isn’t working and try something new! With these alterations, you can draw new customers in and deepen the love of long-standing clients.

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