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5 Signs Of An Excellent Website

Launching your website is an exciting moment, but the work does not end there. Improvements and changes are essential to an organic and well-run site. 

A website is larger than just some text and images on a screen; it should be an interactive experience that engages the user. 

So, let's check out a few signs of websites that have gone above and beyond to create great platforms for their content. 

1. Live Chat

As soon as you open up your landing page you should have a live chat option pop up. Clients are much more likely to talk over text, especially when they are invited through a great call to action. Picking up the phone and calling takes a larger commitment than just quickly typing in a question. 

On your end, a single employee can work with several people at the same, increasing your total engagement.

2. Great Design

No one is pleased when they enter a confusing website with poor navigation. Tailoring your website on both the front and back ends will make a much smoother experience. Good design also means faster loading times, without unnecessary information or code, you'll have both a cleaner look and a speedy site.

Try to avoid the same tired templates that make your website look copied and pasted from a competitor. Keep the initial landing page minimal with just the key information on the company and a bit of your story. Have an easy-to-find menu and guide users to it. Good design is the difference between exploring your site and closing the tab.

3. Positive Reviews

If you are garnering good reviews, this means your website is working. The top-ranked sites are always the ones with the most reviews. 

To start racking up reviews, just ask for them. Start by asking your most reliable and consistent customers for a few nice words, and you'll see a difference right away. Then you can build up to adding surveys and requests for reviews from every customer. Expect this to take a while, reviews will come naturally over time but will increase both your reputation and your website's traffic. 

4. An Updated Blog

No matter what your company focuses on, having plenty of content through a blog will make your website stand out. Blogs are great places to interlink to your home page or other main landing pages. They also increase your search engine optimization, adhering to Google's rules for SEO will get you closer and closer to the front page of search results.

A blog also shows off the expert advice you have to offer. Use this space to highlight your company while also writing about a variety of interesting topics. SEO also benefits from organic, well-written articles, not just loads of keywords on top of each other.

5. Optimized For Mobile

Most people will probably encounter your site through their mobile devices. It is imperative to have a mobile-friendly website if you want something top-tier. One option out there is to just slightly adjust your site to fit in the parameters of a phone and be legible.

But if you really want to stand out then a complete top-down optimization for mobile is necessary. Think about Facebook, for example, their desktop and mobile versions are completely different, yet they are clearly the same website. A solid understanding of your brand will make your content clear across platforms.

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