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6 Security Tips for London Property Managers

Property managers in London are up against security risks that some smaller or more rural cities aren’t prone to. As a result, extra security precautions should always be in place when managing any type of property whatsoever in what is one of the most populace cities on earth. Yes, some postcodes have higher rates of crime than others, but it is a smart move to make sure security is in place no matter where the property or buildings are located.

1) Update Locks – Interior and Exterior

Most property owners know to change out locks whenever a tenant leaves but it would be a better idea to make an inspection of all properties to change out all locks that have seen better days. If they look as though they are old and perhaps in ill repair, there are locksmiths in London that can come out quickly to change those locks that need to be updated.

2) CCTV Security System

Having a CCTV security system is one of the best crime preventatives available. Cameras can be in sight or they can be hidden. Some experts believe that there should be a combination of those which can be seen and those that are hidden from view. Criminals are liable to ‘take out’ those in sight but with a backup of hidden cameras, your chances of recording the thieves is much better. Also, it is suggested that you review ‘tapes’ regularly.

3) Keep Property Well Lighted

No matter what kind of property you are managing from residential to commercial, well-lighted grounds are a must. Not only can tenants feel safer venturing out after dark, you can prevent a multitude of crimes by keeping the grounds lit up after dark. This includes interior areas as well as exterior grounds.

4) Introduce Staff to Tenants

Make absolutely sure your tenants know any person who may be doing work on the property. This included maintenance crews as well as office staff collecting rents or doing inspections of the grounds. If your workers have been personally introduced, there is less room for error should some criminal try to pose as staff for illicit reasons.

5) Know Your Tenants

Take an example from the West Midlands where landlords are now legally able to check a tenant’s right to let. Not only should you run a background check before letting a property to anyone whatsoever, but it really is in your best interest to get to know tenants better. This doesn’t mean you need to break that professional relationship by being overly friendly, but if you have a good working relationship with your tenants they are more likely to keep in touch with you if they see anything that is even slightly off.

6) Develop a Rapport with Local Police

Finally, it never hurts to develop a rapport with the local police. Introduce yourself and tell them what you do and which properties are yours. They can clue you in if there have been any problems with crime in the past and will sometimes offer to make an extra round or two of the neighbourhood to check things out. It doesn’t hurt to make friend with local law enforcement!
While there are perks that come along with being a London property manager, there are also some aspects of the job that are a bit more intense. Security is one of those areas where you will need to pay careful attention to and these six tips should help. Good luck and stay safe.
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