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Corporate Gifting Etiquette: Dos And Don'ts For Professional Gifts

Corporate gifting is a powerful tool for building relationships, expressing appreciation, and strengthening your brand presence. But choosing the right present for a professional contact can be tricky. A well-chosen gift can leave a lasting positive impression, while a misstep can create awkwardness or even offend.


Here's your ultimate guide to corporate gifting etiquette, ensuring your gifts land the right way:


Corporate Gifts on Wooden Desk

Do Know Your Company's Policy

Before you start shopping, familiarise yourself with your company's gifting policy. Many organisations have guidelines regarding:

Value limits

There might be restrictions on how much you can spend on a gift.

Acceptable gift types

Some companies might prohibit certain gifts like cash, alcohol, or overly personal items.

Approval processes

Larger gifts or those for high-profile clients might require approval from your manager.


Following your company's policy ensures you're compliant and avoids any potential ethical concerns.

Don't Go Overboard

The goal of corporate gifting is to show appreciation, not shower someone with extravagance. Here's how to strike the right balance:

Focus on quality over quantity

A well-made, thoughtful gift is better than a generic, mass-produced item.

Consider the recipient's role

A small, personalised gift might be suitable for a colleague, while a higher-quality present might be appropriate for a valued client.

Maintain professionalism

Avoid overly personal or humorous gifts that could be misconstrued.


A professional and tasteful gift speaks volumes, even without a hefty price tag.

Do Personalise It

A box of chocolates might be okay in a pinch, but a personalised touch shows you put extra effort into your selection. Here are a couple of ways to personalise your gift:

Include a handwritten note

A heartfelt message expressing your appreciation adds a personal touch.

Choose a gift related to their interests

Did you learn they're a coffee aficionado? A gourmet coffee basket or a high-quality travel mug shows you pay attention.


Personalised gifts create a lasting impression and show you care about the recipient.

Don't Forget Cultural Sensitivities

The business landscape is becoming increasingly global. Here's how to ensure your gift is appropriate across cultures:

Research cultural norms

Certain colours, symbols, or even numbers might have specific meanings in different cultures. Do your research to avoid any unintentional faux pas.

Err on the side of caution

When in doubt about a gift's appropriateness, opt for something more generic.

Choose universally appreciated experiences

Consider gifting tickets to a local attraction, a cultural event, or a spa day—these can be enjoyed by people from various backgrounds.


Being mindful of cultural sensitivities ensures your gift is well-received.

Do Consider Dietary Restrictions and Allergies

Food and beverage gifts are popular choices, but be mindful of potential dietary restrictions or allergies:

Offer a variety of options

If you're unsure about someone's dietary needs, consider a gift box with a mix of sweet and savoury treats to cater to different preferences.

Choose allergy-friendly options

If you know someone has allergies, opt for a gift that's safe for them to enjoy.


Being thoughtful about dietary needs shows you care about the recipient's well-being.

Don't Gift Cash or Cash Equivalents

Cash or cash equivalents like gift cards can be seen as impersonal or even a bribe. Here are some better alternatives:

Company-branded merchandise

High-quality mugs, notebooks, or desk accessories featuring your company logo can be a tasteful and practical choice.

Charitable donations in their name

Make a donation to their favourite charity in their honour. This shows you care about something they're passionate about.


Opt for professional and tasteful alternatives to cash that still convey your appreciation.

Do Time Your Gift Right

The timing of your gift can be just as important as the gift itself. Here are some ideal moments to send corporate gifts:

Holidays and milestones

Consider sending gifts for holidays, work anniversaries, or promotions. These occasions offer a natural opportunity to show appreciation.

After a successful collaboration

Did you just close a big deal with a client? A thoughtful gift following a successful project strengthens a positive relationship.


The best time to give a gift is usually when it feels most genuine and appropriate.

Don't Send Late Gifts

A late gift can lose its impact or even come across as an afterthought. Here's how to ensure timely delivery of business gifts:

Plan ahead

Order your gift with enough lead time to account for shipping and any potential delays.

Consider hand-delivery for important gifts

For high-profile clients or especially meaningful occasions, hand-delivering the gift shows extra effort and respect.

Set calendar reminders

Schedule a reminder to follow up on the delivery status, especially for important corporate gifts.


Punctuality shows respect and ensures your gift arrives when it can make the most significant impact.

Wrapping Up

Corporate gifting, done thoughtfully, transcends a simple exchange. It strengthens relationships, fosters positive brand perception, and leaves a lasting impression. These guidelines equip you to choose gifts that resonate with the recipient, elevating your professional interactions.


The next time you have an occasion to celebrate or express gratitude, put these tips into practice. Watch your gifting skills flourish as you cultivate a network of positive and enduring professional relationships.


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