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How to Create Great Website Content

Having a website that looks fantastic and has excellent features will always impress your customers when they visit your homepage. However, having great content takes it to the next level. Many business websites are set up to look professional and have loads of attractive looking features, but once the developer has built a website and moved onto their next project, content creation can often slip. If you have a website that you maintain, but you don’t have any background in content creation, then it is difficult to know where to start.
If your visitors find your content difficult to use/read, etc. or your content becomes out of date, it can soon become the quickest way to lose customers. If people think your content isn’t recently updated, then may start to question whether your company is the right one for them to use. Remember, your business website is your online shop window and needs to sell your business using every available opportunity.
Here are some key areas to consider when you are looking to build any content for your website:
Customise to your target audience
This is an area that many businesses get wrong. People usually find your website based on what it is that they are looking for, or more importantly, what they need from you. For example, if you are trying to sell gardening services, make sure that your blog and other pages are related to this niche and contain keywords that your target audience will be using in search engines. If you need any help with keywords or SEO, then you can speak to specialist companies like Click Intelligence.
Additionally, have you ever visited a website and started reading a blog detailing how they spent their weekend, where they went on holiday or what they had to eat, etc. and thought ‘I don’t want to know that, I just wanted some advice on …’? Staying relevant and useful to your target audience is the best way for people to find your business and the services that you offer.
You can also use social media accounts and LinkedIn to interact with followers. Through Tweets or other posts, you could listen to your customer’s queries and see whether you can develop a solution.
Use the right formats
Using complex software to develop content can make your content look professional, but always think about how people will access your website. Therefore, don’t use file formats that people won’t be able to open without relevant software or content that takes ages to load. Your visitors will only stay on your website for about 20 seconds before deciding whether you have what they need, and if that 20 seconds is spent loading a huge file, then they find your competitors instead.
Also, think about mobile users and how your content will appear when they access your site. If you upload a huge image, for example, check what it will look like across all devices and browsers. The numbers of mobile users are on the rise and should be crucially acknowledged.
Monitor usage
Content creation should be a constant cycle where you evaluate which content is popular and which content fails to peak interest. Therefore, no attempts will be wasted and you know how to improve your business.
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