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How to Find the Right Employees for Your Business

Hiring new employees is one of the most important investments a business can make. Bringing on board the right people that fit your company culture and can do the job effectively is crucial for success. However, finding those diamond employees can be challenging. This article will explore top techniques for locating and recruiting suitable candidates for open positions at your small or medium-sized business.

business people around a table shaking hands

Image by Werner Heiber from Pixabay


Define the Role and Required Skills

The first step is to precisely define the role you need to fill, including:

  • Main duties and responsibilities

  • Essential qualifications and skill sets

  • Preferred experience and soft skills

  • Expected contributions to the team and company

With a clear role definition, you can then screen candidates more effectively to see if they fit the bill. Avoid vague or overly generic role descriptions that attract masses of unsuitable applicants. Get specific on must-have capabilities.

Cast a Wide Candidate Net

Next, broadcast your open position across multiple channels to reach the largest pool of potential applicants. Optimal channels may include:

  • Your company website careers page

  • Online job boards like Indeed and Monster

  • Social media feeds and professional groups

  • Traditional want ads in local newspapers

  • Signage on your storefront or office

  • Campus graduate recruitment schemes

  • Industry trade publications

The key is getting visibility of the role in front of qualified candidates actively or passively seeking new employment.

Host a Recruitment Fair

If you are struggling to find applicants with a rare or in-demand skillset, consider hosting your own recruitment fair. Here’s how:

Create Eye-Catching Promotional Posters

  • Design a bold, colourful master business poster advertising your upcoming recruitment fair

  • Include the company name/logo, images relating to the industry/roles, date/time/location details

  • Print A3/A4 posters and put them up across the local area – libraries, colleges, job centres

Book an Engaging Venue

  • Hire a hall or large space to host the event, allowing room for exhibitor tables

  • Venues like community centres, a university campus, or hotel meeting rooms may have affordable rates

Invite Relevant Businesses to Exhibit

  • Contact suppliers, partners, or clients in your industry ecosystem to exhibit at the fair

  • Offer a table to showcase their brand and available roles

Promote the Event

  • Share event details and free entrance offers across your social channels

On the Day

  • Meet candidates, collect CVs/applications, conduct mini interviews

  • Network with fellow exhibitors to source wider industry talent

Follow Up Promptly

  • Thank applicants for attending and provide next steps on hiring decisions

The recruitment fair casts your net further geographically whilst offering a chance to directly engage candidates.

Provide Compelling Benefits and Perks

Today’s top talent has options when it comes to job opportunities and will assess the overall package beyond just salary alone. To attract the best, think about offering compelling extra benefits and perks, including:

  • Competitive starting salaries benchmarked to industry standards

  • Annual bonuses, profit share schemes, or equity participation for key hires

  • Generous paid annual, parental and care leave policies

  • Healthcare insurance contributions and wellness perks

  • Career development budgets or in-house training schemes

  • Flexible remote or hybrid working options

  • Discounted products, services, gym memberships, childcare facilities

  • Free daily lunches and on-site cafes

  • Commuter benefits like parking, transit passes or subsidies

  • Additional annual holidays and enhanced sick leave

  • Regular team building activities and events to foster strong belonging and community across the workforce.

Whilst some benefits like share options or unlimited leave may only suit later stage startups, every company can find creative ways to make roles more attractive. Perks demonstrate you care about employees’ financial protection, health, growth and happiness at work. This builds essential trust that you are a supportive employer worth sticking with for the long term.

Interview Multiple Candidates

With quality applications arriving through your various channels, take time to interview several shortlisted candidates before deciding. Even if the first person seems to fit, keep your options open in case someone better comes along. Run each candidate through the same interview process and scoring system to judge them on merit using unbiased metrics.

Check References

Before hiring, diligently check provided references to confirm past employers found the individual reliable, high-performing, and fit for the advertised role. Hearing feedback directly from former managers carries more weight than claims made on their CV or via the interview. However, beware that candidates will likely only supply contact details for referees expected to provide a positive review.

Trust Your Gut Feeling

Finally, when deciding between two promising final candidates, trust your instincts. Minor competency gaps can be taught, but personal qualities like integrity, positivity, reliability and culture fit cannot. Your gut feel for the right ‘match’ is often accurate.

Hiring good staff is challenging but tremendously rewarding, enabling business growth. Follow these tips to attract and assess suitable candidates for vital roles at your company. With the right employees on board, success is in your reach.

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