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How to Put Together an Effective Client Presentation

For some people, giving presentations to clients is like second nature, and without much stress or effort on their part the presentation goes off without a hitch and hits the mark perfectly. For others, these client presentations aren’t quite so easy. If you fit into the latter group and you’re looking for ways to boost your presentation skills, then these tips may be exactly what you are looking for.

What Do You Want to Cover?
A common mistake that people seem to make when doing a client presentation is trying to fit too much information into it. It’s normal to want to tell the client as much as possible, especially if this is one you’ve been trying to get a meeting with for quite some time. You want to avoid information overload or the client is going to end up tuning out.
At the end of the presentation your client should walk away with a clear message in their head of what you wanted to convey to them.

Make Sure It Appeals to the Target Audience
Another mistake that is often made is to create a presentation template, if you will, that is given to all clients, just swapping out a few numbers or names here and there. A customised approach should be the only way you go. Your presentation has to contain content that is relevant to its audience. Being vague and generic is not going to seal that deal and win you that client.
One way you can do this is to create some sort of connection between the client and your service/product. How could it help them or be used in a particular scenario? Create the picture in their head for them.

Show Up with Visuals
Visuals are always a great item to have in a presentation, especially if you are selling products or goods. As long as the item is small enough to be transported, bring it along to show how it works or what it looks like. Nothing beats seeing the item in person, holding it, and examining it up close. This is an excellent opportunity to talk about the manufacturing process, the quality of the product, the materials used, perform a product demonstration, etc.

Provide Takeaways
AnchorLastly you don’t want to just pack up and leave at the end of the presentation: there should be takeaways. A good idea is to have all the information you touched upon, plus additional facts, figures, and statistics printed and put together as a promotional package. Make use of folder printing services to give it that professional edge.
The folder should also contain your business card, and your contact details and company name should be printed on the front of the folder. You want to make things as clear and convenient as possible.

Enjoy Your Success
By following these steps and exuding confidence in yourself and the product or service you are promoting, you are sure to start giving successful client presentations.
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