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How to Set Up an Online Business During Retirement

Many people see retirement as a luxury to be spent relaxing after a hard-working life. However, for some, retirement can be frustrating, and many of these people are looking to find a way to work during their retirement. If you want to retire and yet do not want to stop working, setting up an online business is a great option for retirees looking for something to do and a way to increase their income.
How Do You Fund Your Business?
  • Although state pensions are usually relatively small and may not be able to cover the running of a small business, private pensions can often be invested in a business as they can be used as extra income. To create a private pension, you should voluntarily contribute to a separate pension scheme throughout your life as this will help to boost your funds, and you should check this pension’s growth over time. You can then take out this pension when you need it.
  • You should also consider funding your business through releasing the equity on your home as this will give you a tax-free lump sum which can be used to reinvest into your business. If you would like to speak to a financial advisor on the best solution for your individual situation, visit to discuss options such as lifetime mortgages.
How Do You Go Online?
  • You can set a business up online by establishing a website and e-commerce platform through which members of the public can buy your products. To design a website, you can use simple website builders such as Wordpress which allow you to choose from pre-created website themes, or you should think about employing an expert web designer to create a professional-looking website for you.
  • Another way to create an online business is through selling and marketing products through social media. This is important if you are considering selling to friends and family. To do this, you should create social media pages for your business and post on a regular basis advertising your products and how to buy them, such as sending a direct message or visiting your website. Your family and friends can then share these posts outside of your inner circle and attract new customers.
  • You should also market your business online through a range of options such as pay-per-click advertising, creating blog posts, utilising the advantages of SEO, and e-mail marketing. If you are struggling to do any of this, you should employ the help of a digital marketing agency who can organise your marketing tools and operations.
Why Are Online Businesses Perfect for Retirement?
  • Online businesses are perfect for retirement as they have smaller start-up costs than physical businesses, meaning that you need little funding from your pension in order to open for business. This enables you to make extra income without worrying out the financial cost of this.
  • Online businesses can also be run from your home, and you can put as much or as little effort into these as you wish, meaning that you can keep your business on a small scale if this is all that you are able to manage.

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