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Improve Your Content Strategy: 5 Tips To Optimize Your Content Strategy

In the current, uncertainty-filled environment, content marketing has become the the digital marketing strategy of choice for many marketers, with a whopping 91% of B2B marketers currently using it, according to the Content Marketing Institute (CMI). However, the success of your content marketing strategy hinges on understanding a confusing and quickly changing ecosystem. Having content that is current is a crucial component of getting your marketing right.

To take your content strategy to the next level, follow these five simple and evergreen marketing tips:

1. Stick To A Schedule.

You might not realize it, but one of the secrets to improving the backbone that supports your content creation and delivery is consistency. With this, you help both you, your team or writers, customers, and your business.

Without a consistent content schedule, customers won't get a good understanding of what your brand is about.

A consistent content schedule goes a long way in creating a better customer experience and establishing credibility and trust with your brand.

According to Techipedia, brands that stick to a content schedule are worth 20% more than those that are not. McKinsey & Company says that a content schedule is an essential element in making your target audience happy throughout their buying journey.

That said, you should strive to create and stick to a content schedule for all your marketing channels. Doing so will not only benefit your customers but will also streamline your process of creating content.

Combine consistency with relevant, high-quality content, and your target audience will always want to engage with you.

Also, use reliable marketing project management software to streamline your content projects so you can stick to your schedule and avoid missing any audience engagement opportunities.

2. Use More Visuals.

Many people assume that content marketing only involves written content such as ebooks and blog pages. However, images, videos – including animations – are also essential and powerful elements of content marketing.

Attracting your audience to your brand with written content is beneficial. However, you need to provide content that doesn't just potentially solve their problems but also piques their interest. Visual content helps you do just that.

In a content-saturated environment, videos and appealing imagery are effective ways to grab your customer's attention and provide them with valuable content. Just check out your Twitter feed and count how much visual content you have.

Besides, formats like videos, photos, memes and even gifs make your content more sharable for your potential customers.

However, you don't have to make your visual content marketing grand to attract and catch attention. It could be as simple and humorous as the Grammarly Cards on Pinterest.

It ingeniously promotes Grammarly in a witty and informative way. These are also excellent examples of the types of content that Grammarly's potential customers appreciate.

When all is said and done, content marketing is about developing content that is educational, useful, relevant, and otherwise valuable to your audience. So, start to understand your target audience's wants and needs and how you can use visual content to deliver precisely that.

Identify and implement the visual content type that helps you meet your content marketing goals to help you achieve optimum returns for your investment, from increasing site conversions and sales to making money on Instagram.

3. Create Useful Content.

Bringing value to your potential customers does not only provide the best insights but also incorporates useful content.

Your content needs to align with all the phases of customer acquisition. For example, LinkedIn Marketing Solutions has several free resources, such as the Content Marketing Toolkit that has templates and checklists for every stage of content marketing.

Instead of creating blogs that contain how-to content, they created a simple resource that you can actually use to implement your content strategy.

Another excellent example is online courses. While it takes more time and effort to create online video courses, it's a great way to convince your audience why your brand is a good fit for them.

It's a good content marketing strategy to get in front of more people, build trust with your potential customers, and establish your credibility in your field.

To create helpful content for your target audience, start by identifying and understanding their pain points. Map out their journey from the discovery stage to the point of conversion, hopefully becoming repeat customers. What prevents your potential customers from purchasing your product or service? And what your brand can offer to resolve their needs.

4. Write attention-grabbing headlines.

When you post content on your blog pages, the first thing that site visitors see is your title.

The moment site visitors see your title; it should pique their interest enough to make them want to click your post and read more. In simple terms, your headers have the power to make or break your content strategy.

Even if you have relevant, educational and content that offers value, your audience will skip your articles if you fail to promote them with a good headline.

However, digital marketers know that it's challenging to know exactly what appeals to your target audience. To resolve this, consider making use of a headline tester such as CoSchedules' Headline Analyzer.

You can enter the title you have in mind, and it gives you a score based on several factors such as title length, word balance, and more. It also offers several suggestions to help improve your headline.

While the above is not the ultimate solution for creating titles, it goes a long way in making your headlines more captivating and optimized for SEO.

Paying close attention to your titles also allows search engines to rank your content better, and ultimately, brings more site visitors to your website.

5. Repurpose Content.

To repurpose content involves taking top-performing content and converting it into another medium like email campaign, infographic, or even video.

You can also repurpose content by rewriting existing content to narrow it down to several key points as a blog or expand on it to create an ebook.

Content repurposing is a convenient and excellent marketing strategy for many reasons:

- For starters, you save time, resources, and effort by creating multiple types of content using one top-performing idea.

You can turn your blog posts into newsletters, social media posts, video content, infographic, or whichever format suits your marketing strategy.

- Additionally, repurposing content helps you broaden your audience reach since you have several types of content to upload on your channels. This gives your brand access to a variety of your potential customers.

Moreover, the more content you upload, the more you establish brand awareness and your overall online presence.

This builds your audience, brand credibility, and ultimately, generates more sales.

- Lastly, repurposing content boosts your SEO game. More top-tier content gives signals to search engines that you are a reliable source of valuable information.

As a result, you kill two birds with one stone – you increase your brand's credibility and overall SERP (Search Engine Result Pages) ranking.

Evaluate your existing content and look for ways to repurpose it into valuable content or medium to your target audience.

What's next?

A content marketing strategy has become a must for digital marketers that want to deliver the best content and at the right time. Fortunately, there are a plethora of ways to improve your strategy to optimize your content ops and drive the results you want. The above tips seem easy, but they can make a world of difference for your content strategy.

When creating or improving your content strategy, remember that your goal is to engage with your potential customers and build credibility. Once you succeed in achieving this goal, results will follow.

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