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Private school in uk

In Great Britain school education is divided into three levels: primary, secondary and high school. They can be general state schools, selective schools, grammar schools, church schools, and private schools.

Private or public schools can be at any level, but the most common are private secondary schools, Secondary schools. At primary level most British pupils attend public schools, but at the next stage many move to private schools. The Intermediate stage begins with 11-12 years.

Private schools in UK operate independently of the state - they do not receive state funding or any other support. They also do not use state educational programs, and stick to their own educational plans.

The main feature of British private schools is their importance in British culture. They are not just prestigious and expensive educational institutions, opening the way to the leading British universities. First of all, going to such a school serves to enhance the status of the family (aristocratic or middle class), to educate the elite of British society - future politicians and public figures, to maintain the strict hierarchy of British society, and also as a kind of ritual.

Features of private schools

The British are very conservative, and this is clearly visible in the traditions associated with private schools. Many features of a prestigious school education have not changed over the centuries, which not only does not prevent, but also helps to maintain the high status of institutions in society. British schools are the most distinctive and conservative, and despite many vestiges of the past, they successfully carry out their function - to educate the top of English society.

Most British private schools are characterized by these features:

Emphasis in education on sports, religion, and patriotic education. In second place are languages, history, literature, and only then the sciences. Many people criticized this system because they thought students did not learn enough.

Boys and girls are taught separately. Where once this was explained by outdated moral principles, the British are now finding new, more modern and logical justifications. Separate instruction helps to improve academic achievement because boys and girls develop intellectually at different rates and have different criteria for success - together they would interfere with each other. In addition, there is no room for gender stereotypes in separate schooling: everyone has to learn to do traditionally "female" and "male" work.

Schools are boarding houses in which students live permanently. They leave the school grounds only during vacations. There are many disadvantages to this system of education, but it is still very popular in Britain as a tribute to tradition.

In British private schools are quite strict and discipline is severe. Every step of the student is constantly monitored, and there is a clear system of punishments and rewards. The living conditions of the children are good, but not luxurious. In education the British adhere to the principles of asceticism.

What is important to consider when choosing a school

Many of us are used to dividing schools along simple lines - weak/strong, famous/common, public/private, math/language, etc. In England schools of the same high level can be very different depending on the approach to the educational process, pedagogical principles, composition of students, traditions and atmosphere.

Geographical position plays a big role: for example, the school can be located in the center of a small town, or it can be completely out of touch with civilization - you will need to choose between the urban lifestyle and unity with nature, focusing only on studies.

There are parameters that are part of the British concept of added value - the specifics of a particular school, its "chip". If the school is located on the coast, then, as a rule, during physical education classes students go surfing. Or there is a school where you can come with your horse and continue riding after classes. There are schools with contact zoos, which will be in demand by young naturalists, or, schools with a community of robotics enthusiasts. Such features are not reflected in the rankings.

Depending on the motivation to study, one can identify families in which a child agrees to study hard for 2-3 years to get into a school with very high academic performance, and later get into a university with a big name. Some people care less about the academic part - it's more important that the child has more time outdoors, is less stressed, or that he or she has sports facilities.

In fact, everyone can find exactly the right school that is ideal for their child. It is important to be guided by his aptitudes, to develop strengths, and not to break the stereotype, arranging in a reputable, wonderful, but totally unsuitable school. If you manage to make the right choice, a British school can be a great place where an uncut diamond will turn into a diamond of pure water.

In summary, my advice when choosing a school, in addition to its academic performance, pay attention to the following criteria, which will help narrow down the choice:

geographic location;

orientation (specialization);

conditions for additional classes (and what classes are available);

the age at which foreign children are accepted;

focus on admission to strong universities (focus on academic achievement).

The cost of education in British schools, boarding schools, and colleges

Due to significant differences in school rankings, results of graduate examinations, prestige, and history, the price of education in British schools is subject to fluctuations. Thus, the average cost of education in the UK is £14,000 - £25,000 per year at schools and colleges providing full-time education without accommodation, and at boarding schools the price rises to around £30,000 - 50,000 per year at the most expensive institutions.


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