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Unique Ways To Grow Your Instagram Account

By the end of 2020, an estimated 26.9 million new users will open accounts on Instagram, significantly adding to the platform's growth. That number eclipses the estimates for other social media platforms including popular platforms like Twitter and Facebook. Advertising revenue on the platform is up and more young people than ever are signing up for accounts. This is truly Instagram's time to shine.
There has never been a better time to start promoting your business on Instagram. Instead of relying on outdated methods, go to try using these innovative tips for growing your account.
1. Avoid using hashtags that have been banned.
Every day, Instagram bans hashtags that are being abused. The hashtags that are banned change on a daily basis, with new terms continually being added to the list. These hashtags aren't always obvious. For instance, a hashtag like #prettyandpetite could easily get banned if several users start posting images that feature nudity using that particular tag. An influx of images that go against Instagram's terms of service can easily get any hashtag banned, no matter how innocent it seems.
Using banned hashtags can cause your engagement to suffer. To make sure that none of the hashtags you have added to your images are currently banned, try clicking on them to see what images show up. If the hashtag has been banned, you will only be able to see a few top images. All of the recent posts will be hidden or removed.
2. Use location tags for your photos.
Instagram now has a feature that allows you to tag your photos with the location where they were taken. This is a great way to get more people to see your photos. People often get on Instagram to check out places that they want to visit or to learn more about hotels, restaurants, and other businesses in particular areas. Adding your location to your photos will cause them to come up any time someone searches for your city or town. Consider including location tags in your stories, as well.
3. Stand out by choosing hashtags that are a little bit less saturated.
Avoid the temptation to only use hashtags that are extremely popular. This usually includes any hashtag that is made up of a single word like #cat or #love. These hashtags are so popular that they have millions and millions of posts. When it comes to the long-term growth of your account, they usually won't provide much benefit. A much better option is to use hashtags that are extremely specific and that are directly related to your content. To discover hashtags that are a little bit less saturated, consider using INK361. Available for free, this tool will help you discover the search volume of any hashtag. Try to target relevant hashtags that have a search volume of less than 50,000.
4. Experiment with rewriting your bio.
The bio section of your account is made up of just 160 characters. Trying to come up with something that makes a big impact when you have so little space to work with can be challenging. You may need to experiment with a few different bios before you find one that really connects with your followers and helps you grow your account.
5. Put Careful Thought Into The Name That You Use On Instagram
Instead of using your actual name, you should use the name field to include relevant keywords that people in your target audience might search for. As an example, I named my account Travel Lifestyle Entrepreneur. Unlike my username, which always stays the same, I can easily change the name field to anything I want. This provides a perfect opportunity to experiment with different names to see which ones get the best results.
6. Think about starting your own pod or joining an existing one.
A while back, Instagram moved away from listing posts in chronological order, relying instead on their own internal algorithm to determine which posts to display. To overcome this problem, some of the leading Instagram users developed the concept of pods. In essence, people who have target audiences who are similar to one another get together in small groups of anywhere from about 10 to 15 people. These users all support one another by liking or commenting on new posts created by other members of the pod. Posts that get a lot of engagement stand a better chance of showing up in the feeds of other users. The initial comments provided by the other pod members help each post perform better. With all of the members supporting one another, everyone succeeds.
7. Look for hashtags that could help your photos get featured.
There are a lot of small communities out there that have special hashtags where users share content. For instance, an account like @sonyrxmoments will often share content that is tagged with the hashtag #SonyRXMoments. Finding hashtags like these could help your content get featured by other accounts, exposing you to new users.
8. Give something away.
Giveaways are one of the most effective options for growing your account, getting more engagement, building your brand, or getting people to sign up for your mailing list. Before you do anything else, you should figure out exactly what you hope to accomplish with your contest. Having a solid plan in place will help you get more out of the giveaway. Decide on a theme and figure out what hashtags you are going to use. Choose a prize that people will actually want. Figure out how you are going to keep track of entries and how you are going to spread the word about the contest. Lastly, determine how the winner will be chosen. As long as you always follow through and really give away the products that you promise, this is a great way to bring more attention to your account.
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