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A prestigious refurbishment of existing facilities was being carried out by RG Carter of Cambridge. Abacus Stagetech was commissioned to install some very large ceiling mounted Silentgliss remote control blinds utilising a light grey screen fabric and suspended in such a manner so as to form a partition when the auditorium is being used for either small or large presentations. Critical to the blinds installation was a means of establishing a solid fixing from the primary roof structure as the large curved ceiling was a cosmetic installation built some 30 years ago and capable of supporting just its own weight. Consultation with RG Carter engineers resulted in a series of large timber inserts being cut into the ceiling and pelmets constructed to conceal the blinds.
Along with this work Abacus Stagetech installed some remote control curtain tracks and fitted new blackout curtains in Baumann fabric. Programming of the wireless control systems allow independent or group control of the blinds and curtains.
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