CDS 999L Waiver Code Update

HMRC had previously introduced an extension for the use of 999L waiver codes, and this article will offer an update on their use.
HMRC update
The latest update from HMRC includes the new national waiver codes that are to be used when submitting import declarations after 31st January 2024. There are 10 new document codes, and these should be used instead of 999L.
Document Codes and descriptions
The list of the new waiver document codes and their descriptions can be found below:
912Y – Animal Health Certificate
9020 – Department for Business & Trade, Import Licensing Firearms and Ammunition (covering firearms only)
9044 – Department for Business & Trade, Import Licensing Firearms and Ammunition
9026 – Department for Business & Trade, Import Licensing Firearms and Ammunition (covering firearms only)
9043 – Health and Safety Executive, GB Transfer Approval for explosives
920Y – HMI Conformity Certificate (fruit and veg) issued in UK
991Y – Quarantine Release certificate
992Y – Quarantine Release certificate
993Y – Quarantine Release certificate
994Y – Quarantine Release certificate
The above codes are in addition to the EU wavier codes. The full list of current EU wavier codes can be found by clicking here.
We recommend you use these new codes straight away, and were you to continue to use the 999L waiver code after 31st January 2024, your import declaration(s) will not be accepted. The same also applies to pre-lodged import declarations for goods arriving after 31st January 2024. Using the incorrect document code will lead to potential delays and additional costs being incurred at the border.
Please note, waivers can be added to or amended, and you can find the latest information from HMRC by clicking below.
For more information on CDS 999L Waiver Code Update talk to AGI Global Logistics Ltd