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Gravity Fed Batch Process Systems
Gravity Fed Batch Process Systems

AstellBio batch Effluent Decontamination Systems can be designed to operate as either gravity fed or pump driven, or a combination. Where it is possible to locate the EDS beneath the structure of the research facility, gravity can be harnessed to draw the waste water to the sterilizing tank(s). Pump fed Effluent Decontamination Systems become applicable where the tanks aren't sited below ground or in a basement location. Pumps are used to control the flow of effluent to the collection tanks. Whilst adding a little complexity, it does offer potential benefits to site location and is a highly configurable solution ideal for overcoming space limitations and layout challenges. Both feed types are capable of handling liquids and liquid/solid mixtures. A batch EDS system operates on a run-standby basis when more than one tank is specified.
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