Why Test is More Important Than Ever?

Should you test to weed out production faults or refine your manufacturing process?
Some people see the real value of test. They understand that an effective test regime will deliver improvements across the electronics manufacturing process. And even back to the product design phase.
Great productivity outcomes begin with the right attitude to test. Test is no longer a drudge: a weary commitment to catching tiresome production faults. It is a 21st century process improvement tool. Today, effective test starts with three things:
The right test philosophy
The right test strategy
The right equipment investment
That’s where ATE Solutions can help. We are a real test company. One of the few companies dedicated to complete test automation solutions. Perhaps the only test business with more than 30 years of unbroken experience. And the intelligent force behind the industry’s most powerful and flexible range of modular Automatic Test Equipment.
Ultimately, we know that a great ATE system from us will do itself out of a job. And we’re delighted about that. Because with that boost to your productivity, we know that there will be another board design along soon.
Talk to us about our vast test expertise.
Talk to us about production test strategies.
Talk to us about Design For Test.
For more information on Why Test is More Important Than Ever? talk to ATE Solutions