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D Door Handles For Residential Applications
While D-Handles are usually associated with retail installations, they can also be found in residential designs. Featuring a two bend design, they are certainly compatible with glass and timber applications while they also provide additional functionality in the modern home. Our 218 Handle is a heavy duty fitting that is ideal for low-level fitting and doors with wheelchair access, while we also sell H03 handles for commercial and home office applications.
Please contact us for more information on our D Door Handles For Residential Applications
While D-Handles are usually associated with retail installations, they can also be found in residential designs. Featuring a two bend design, they are certainly compatible with glass and timber applications while they also provide additional functionality in the modern home. Our 218 Handle is a heavy duty fitting that is ideal for low-level fitting and doors with wheelchair access, while we also sell H03 handles for commercial and home office applications.
Please contact us for more information on our D Door Handles For Residential Applications
For more information on D Door Handles For Residential Applications talk to Barrier Components Ltd
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