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A tyre protection chain can best be explained as a close mesh which is fitted over the face and the sidewalls of the tyre to form a barrier against damaging materials.In addition to providing protection, the chain mesh can also provide traction, especially at the quarry face, where the working surface is covered with sharp-edged loose rock. In these conditions the performance of the loader can be considerably enhanced by the use of tyre protection chains.Tyre protection chains are not necessary for every wheeled-loader application. A careful survey of the tyre life without chains can quickly establish the economics of the situation. Heavy wheeled loaders working in quarries, steel mill operations, and other hostile environments must take steps to protect their tyres. Today’s costs for their repair or replacement, added to the expense of downtime and lost production of the machine, makes the fitting of tyre protection chains a necessity in many industrial applications.

For more information on TYRE PROTECTION CHAINS talk to Brindley Chains

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