It's the big day tomorrow! Our Timber Sale and Open Day will start at 10.00am running through to 3.00pm. There will be plenty of bargains on offer, with sale day discounts on our sawn native timbers. We are putting together lots of our very popular sale day packs, along with plenty of special offer woodturning blanks. We also have some stunning selected boards at special sale prices. (Please note: all discounts apply on sale day only, and the sale only doesn’t include machined products (e.g. flooring, skirting, door linings etc.)

We've a great line-up of exhibitors and demonstrators, including woodturning and woodcarving groups, woodworkers and craftmakers, plus taster workshops in pyrography and woodcarving. We'll be joined by an array of local craftspeople selling their beautiful hand-made products, from chopping boards and gifts to steampunk lamps and furniture.
Refreshments will be available on the mezzanine level above the timber shop, where you will be entertained by live music from saxophone group The Hornadoes. For those feeling peckish, tuck in to a tasty burger or hotdog from the team at Oakley's Grill who will be running a pop-up stall throughout the day.

Everyone is welcome, and there is no admission fee or parking charge. If you're a first time visitor, you will find our address and directions on our contact page. There will be helpers (in high-vis jackets) to direct you into our car park. Overspill car parks will be signposted and you will be directed to them if necessary.
There will be plenty of signage around the building to help you find your way around. If in any doubt at all, please ask one of our helpful staff members.

Our open day events are always very well attended, and the office team are likely to be fully occupied with the timber sale throughout the day. If you were hoping to visit our flooring showroom this Saturday, we politely suggest that you choose an alternative day, to ensure we can devote our full attention to you. If you are planning to collect an order from us this Saturday, you may find it easier to call before 9am.
For more information on Important Information for our Timber Sale Open Day talk to British Hardwoods, The Oak Specialists