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The Lowdown On Cambrian Lids For Pails

Whichever pail you choose from our extensive range, we can find you the perfect lid to match – for a complete packaging solution.

All of our lids are made from polypropylene (PP), a plastic that’s well known for its strength, durability and resistance to cracking and leaking – making it the perfect material for preserving the quality and integrity of your product while in transit and in storage.

PP is a versatile plastic that can be used across a range of sectors and applications, including commercial cleaning, farming and agriculture and building and remedial services. It’s also non-toxic and has low moisture absorption, which means it’s completely food safe and compliant with the strict regulations demanded by the food sector.

When paired with their partner pail, all our lids also make for a great tamper evident package, offering an extra layer of security for your product from dispatch to destination.

Read on to get the lowdown on the three different types of pail lids that we offer and why they are the pinnacle of quality packaging for your product.

Standard, Water Tight Lid

Our standard, waterproof lid is the perfect partner for the vast majority of our pails and is suitable for use with most types of liquids including chemicals, paints and foodstuffs. Our White PP lid, for example, is the perfect fit for our 20Ltr White PP Tamper Evident Pail while our Grey PP lid completes our 2.5Ltr Grey PP Tamper Evident Pail.

Being watertight means that the lids across our range are able to offer comprehensive protection for your product against leakage and spillage, guarding against product waste and helping to maintain product quality and integrity. 

This helps immeasurably to protect your product against contaminants and preserves the freshness and quality of food items and other sensitive materials such as pharmaceuticals and agricultural products, which can spoil or degrade when exposed to moisture. In the resin industry, for example, our standard,  lid is spot on because it prevents external permeation, which creates a film over the resin, rendering it unusable. 

Our lids also boast tamper-evident qualities when paired with their corresponding pail; for example, our White PP lid with our 5Ltr White PP Tamper Evident Pail makes the perfect tamper evident package. With a tamper-evident seal on your container, your product is protected against pilferage or contamination until it reaches its final destination. Impossible to hide, the TE band makes it obvious to the recipient of the product that it’s been tampered with and they will know to discard it.

watertight lid - lids and pails
Tamper evident lid and pail package

All of our brilliant standard lids are optimally designed for easy application and removal and on the majority of our pails, the tamper-evident band doubles up as a lever to enable the user to remove the lid easily. All this helps to save time and boost the efficiency of your production line and working operations.

To fit your brand image and colours perfectly, our standard lids are available in a huge variety of different colours too! Our Orange PP lid, for example, is designed to match our White 5Ltr Tamper Evident Pail perfectly and is food grade and fully recyclable. We have many different colours to choose from to fit a wide variety of our pails. If you’d like to discuss a particular colour to match your branding or a new product, our Made To Order service is ready to source it for you straight away. Please contact our team to discuss your requirements!

Some of the lid colours available for our 5Ltr and 10Ltr pails

Snap-On Lid

Like our standard lids, our snap-on lids are also suitable for use in a wide variety of sectors and for a vast range of applications. One of their main strengths is that they include ventilation slots that allow air to circulate and move in and out of the container, preventing moisture buildup, mould growth and spoilage and maintaining product freshness. Ventilation slots are also adept at helping prevent gas/air expansion and build up and potential damage to your product. 

Ventilation is crucial for items such as fruits and vegetables that need air to grow and stay fresh and baked goods such as breads and pastries that need to be kept dry to prevent sogginess! It’s also vital for products such as fertiliser, which requires air to be able to effectively help plants photosynthesise and grow to their full potential.

Our snap-on lids also provide fantastic containment for hot filled products (typically food items such as soups and fruit preserves that are packaged while they are still hot to help ensure a longer shelf life). The material they are made from, polypropylene (PP) is well known for its durability and food grade properties, making our snap-on lids perfect for food and beverage use.

Wipes Lid

wipes lid - lids and pails

Our White PP Wipes Lid is a masterful dispenser of the wipes that are commonly used in sectors such as commercial cleaning and building to keep working environments clean and dust/contaminant free.

Currently available on our website to suit our 5Ltr White Tamper Evident pail, this lid provides a secure seal that helps keep the wipes moist, clean and protected from dirt and dust so they work effectively and are hygienic and safe to use.

The ingenious design of our wipes lid allows for easy opening and closing of the container and for one-wipe dispensing. One-wipe dispensing is crucial to maintaining product effectiveness and reducing waste as it ensures that wipes are ready for use one at a time and do not come out in clumps. It’s also crucial for maintaining product integrity ie, reducing the risk of touching multiple wipes and transferring germs to those that have yet to be used.


At Cambrian, we’re here to guide our customers every step of the way on their packaging journey. If you’re not sure which one of our wide range of lids for pails would be the best fit for your product and branding, get in touch to book a personal packaging consultation with one of our dedicated account managers. Also be sure to take advantage of our Free Samples Service, and try your products with ours, to see which is the best fit for your business. 

For more information on The Lowdown On Cambrian Lids For Pails talk to Cambrian Packaging

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