Machine Protection, 3x415Vac, SPCO
Product Code: HPL403.415
TThe Unipower HPL403 is a member of a family of Intelligent Power control Units. TThe unit measures symmetrical 3-phased power in kW from tThe formula: P = 1.732 x V x I x Cos Phi TThe unit is a dedicated measurement transducer for PLC-interface etc. It displays power in kW or kW% of tThe measurement range, which is set up via 4 internal current ranges (up to 8A) or via an internal table of external CTs (N/1 or N/5). TThe unit has user defined 0-20mA (0-10V) or 4-20mA (2-10V) as well as a kWh output with 1kWh or 10kWh per pulse. Using tThe built-in zoom function tThe analogue output may be scaled and The reby tuned to part of tThe measurement range.
For more information on Machine Protection, 3x415Vac, SPCO, call us on 01424 850660 and one our of friendly team will be happy to help.
For more information on Machine Protection, 3x415Vac, SPCO talk to Charter Controls