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How To Seal Bolts On Radiators

Domestic radiators are prone to a number of problems, ranging from leaks to corrosion. It is important, therefore, to regularly maintain your radiators to keep them in good condition. If you need to know how to seal bolts as part of the maintenance then hopefully our guide will help. One major problem area lies with the cap bolts and your radiator could leak if they are not properly sealed. We at Cobas UK are a sealing tape manufacturer and offer a range of sealants for radiators and any of their sealing compounds are ideal for this purpose. Here, we’ll cover the steps needed to seal the bolts on your radiators.
Assess the Bolts
Examine the condition of your radiator bolts before you start. If they are corroded or in poor condition, you might find it difficult to apply any sealant. If this is the case, contact a professional who knows how to seal bolts and can advise you on the next steps to take. You might find that replacing the radiator is a necessary step.
Safety First
Always work in a well ventilated area and wear safety equipment if needed. Sealants can be toxic. Make sure any children do not play in the room you are working in – it is all too easy for accidents to occur and they could accidentally ingest some sealant.
Starting Out
Begin by making sure the bolts are not loose. Do not tighten the valve or you could cause unnecessary damage. Hold the valve with a wrench and use another wrench to tighten the cap nut.
Check the nuts near the valve handle, too. Take off the valve head and examine the gland nut or any nut that you see at the top of the radiator. Tighten if necessary.
Applying Sealant
Clean the bolts before applying the sealant. Always use a non-corrosive based cleaner (something like acetone or even lacquer thinner is ideal) and mop up any spilt excess liquid. Carefully apply a thin layer of sealant around the bolts. Don’t let any sealant get into your eyes or on your skin. Wait overnight for it to dry.
Hopefully, this guide has helped you in understanding how to seal bolts. However, if you are still unsure about the process, let us know.
For more information on How To Seal Bolts On Radiators talk to Cobas UK Ltd
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