Background To The Project
Since 2000, the Isle of Muck had not connected to the mainland grid and its electricity had been provided by a power system comprising of two Vergnet 20kW wind turbines and a back-up diesel generator. Although this scheme had been well maintained, it had encountered ongoing problems with reliability and output. It consistently required a high level of manual intervention. By 2011, both wind turbines had become inoperable due to problems with the batteries, inverters and chargers. As a result the diesel generator became the only source of electricity supply on the island and was operated for limited hours from 7.30am to 11.30am and 4pm to 11.30pm.
In 2013, the SSE approached Coldcurve to be partners in the installation of a new, reliable 24-hour power system.
The system was comprised of four solar PV arrays and six wind turbines which generate a surplus of energy. Coldcurve created a dump load system which allowed the distribution of any surplus power straight back to the community.
For more information on ISLE OF MUCK: POWER SUPPLY Background To The Project talk to Coldcurve Ltd