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The Molybdenum Fabrication Experts
For over a decade, the “Tungsten Electrode Experts” at DGP have lead the welding industry in the precise manufacture of tungsten electrodes. However, DGP’s capabilities do not end with tungsten alone! With their state-of-the-art equipment and experienced staff, DGP is also an industry leader in the grinding and CNC machining of molybdenum for any number of applications. DGP offers unmatched quality and capability at the lowest prices. DGP provides precise and consistent CNC parts from low volumes prototype to high-volume production and from the simplest rods to complex fabrications with the strictest tolerances. For more information, to get a quote, or to speak with a trained DGP representative, contact them today at +44(0)1480 459706 or visit

For more information on The Molybdenum Fabrication Experts talk to Diamond Ground Products Ltd

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