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The ups and downs of height adjustable electric desks
The ups and downs of height adjustable electric desks Did you know that Sir Winston Churchill used a standing workstation? The UK workforce is gradually returning to the office after almost 2 years of working from home in make-shift home offices that have probably done more physical harm than good. The concept of standing desks isn’t a new one; in fact, it has been used for centuries. However, more recently they are a popular addition to the office environment because we now have enough research to support the benefits of standing and now this has a positive impact on workers’ health. It’s a bit of a no-brainer to realise that when employees are happy, healthy and comfortable in their workstation, the productivity goes up and employers are even happier! People who work in an office-based environment naturally sit at their desk for significant periods of time, but research now shows us what this ‘significant period of time’ is: It equates to 67 days per year of being sedentary! 81% of UK office workers sit at their desk between 4-9 hours per day which has a detrimental impact on health. By being sedentary for this amount of time, can result in serious health implications. The British Heart Foundation have stated that “those who sit for extended periods have been found to suffer from higher rates of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and death from all causes. Research has also shown that being sedentary can also result in poor mental health, such as depression and anxiety.” By introducing height adjustable electric desks into the workplace could mean that you are safeguarding your employees from developing chronic health issues and should be seriously considered when carrying our workstation assessments. If your DSE (Display Screen Equipment) risk assessment isn’t up to scratch, employee’s health could be at risk if the workspace is poorly designed. By adding height adjustable electric desks into the mix, you could well prevent musculoskeletal disorders, fatigue, eye discomfort and other psychological issues. The Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) research report (RR561) survey found that DSE users suffered from a range of health issues including: Headaches (52%) Eye pain (58%) Neck pain (47%) Back pain (37%) Shoulder pain (39%) Nuffield Health, one of the UK’s largest health and wellness organisations say that the long-term effects of being sedentary cannot be reversed by exercise. So, if you’d like to explore our range of height adjustable electric desks to safeguard the health and wellbeing of your employees, our friendly team of office furniture experts are ready to assist you. Whether you need a single stand-alone height adjustable electric desk or multiple desks for the office or even for home, the Diamond Office Furniture team are here to help. If you have concerns about how these new height adjustable electric desks will fit into your office space, we can show you exactly how they will look by providing you will 2D and 3D CAD plans, ensuring that your workspace will be aesthetically pleasing as well as fully functional.

For more information on The ups and downs of height adjustable electric desks talk to Diamond Office Furniture Limited

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