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Looking For a Printed circuit mount - direct or via PCB socket35 mm rail mount - via screw, screw less or push-in terminal sockets1 Pole changeover contacts or 1 Pole normally open contactUltraslim, 5mm,packagesensitive DC coil - 170 mW (Dual AC/DC coil drive possible using 93 series sockets) UL Listing (certain relay/socket combinations) Cadmium Free contact materials8/8 mm clearance/creepage distance6 kV (1.2/50 ?s) insulation, coil-contacts?
We do more than sell components. We have built a reputation as a company that does business traditionally and honestly. Paying attention to the simple things, like phoning people back when we say we will, has kept our customers coming back for over thirty years.
For more information on 3451-7012-4010 ULTRA-SLIM PCB RELAY 6A 12VDC, talk to E Preston (Electrical) Ltd
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