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How a site visit can help you select the best electronics manufacturer
A site visit can be an invaluable exercise in helping you to better understand your electronics manufacturing services (EMS) outsourcing options and to see first-hand the operational capability, procedures and culture of a prospective EMS partner. If you’re looking to outsource to an electronics manufacturer for the first time, then it’s an opportunity for you to assess whether this is the next logical step for your business. And if you’re already outsourcing, but are considering alternative options, then a site visit could help you to decide whether it’s the right time to hand over that responsibility to someone new. In this blog post we explore some of the key questions you may want to consider if you choose to visit a prospective electronics manufacturer in person. A tour of your potential assembly partner's manufacturing facility can also offer useful insight which simply isn’t possible to glean from brochures, sales calls, websites or proposals. While a site visit doesn’t constitute in itself a full site audit, it can form a vital element of the stringent research process that will help to guide your outsourcing decisions. If you're at the stage of having short-listed several prospective suppliers, then you’re likely to have already asked them to complete a pre-qualifying questionnaire to determine they're a possible fit for your company. You'll also want to gather your own independent references and will want to conduct out checks of the ownership history, directorship and financial health of your potential EMS provider - all of which takes time.

For more information on How a site visit can help you select the best electronics manufacturer talk to ESCATEC Mechatronics Ltd

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