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Discovering AON3D: Revolutionizing Additive Manufacturing

In the bustling landscape of additive manufacturing, AON3D stands as a beacon of innovation. Established in 2015 by a cadre of materials engineers, this Montreal-based company has swiftly emerged as a trailblazer in the realms of hardware, software, and material science.

Catering to a diverse clientele spanning over 25 countries, AON3D's solutions cater to a wide spectrum of needs, from nimble startups to industry titans like Fortune 500 conglomerates and government agencies.

Introducing the AON M2+: Elevating Additive Manufacturing

At the heart of AON3D's offerings lies the AON M2+, a pinnacle of industrial 3D printing prowess. Designed to fabricate robust, high-performance parts on a full-scale spectrum, the AON M2+ empowers users with unparalleled access to cutting-edge materials such as PEEK, PEKK, and ULTEM™.

Key Features of the AON M2+:

  • Create Large Functional Parts: Harnessing the potential of the world's most advanced thermoplastics, the AON M2+ enables the printing of full-scale designs with precision and reliability.
  • Achieve the Best Final Part Properties: With meticulous thermal control and advanced process management, users can attain high crystallinity parts, mitigating part porosity and enhancing overall quality.
  • Production-Ready Printing: Streamlining workflows, the AON M2+ ensures consistent and repeatable printing, reducing the need for laborious post-processing.

Unveiling the Thermoplastic Pyramid

A cornerstone of AON3D's expertise lies in its understanding of polymers, showcased through the Thermoplastic Pyramid. Divided into three tiers—Commodity Polymers, Engineering Polymers, and High-Performance Polymers—each segment elucidates the distinctive characteristics and applications of various materials.

For more information on Discovering AON3D: Revolutionizing Additive Manufacturing talk to Evo3D

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