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Investing in a large industrial 3D printer for the first time and don’t know how to get started? Ask these important questions to make the right selection.
J-Supplied 3D
July 22, 2021
Getting an industrial 3D printer can be challenging.
Whether you are just stepping into 3D printing or are simply expanding your already established business, finding a large industrial 3D printer is not easy.
With this blog, we can help make things easier. Here's a list of questions you need to ask yourself and your team to get to a decision.
Question 1:What Will You Make Using the Printer?
Determining your needs is the first step to finding the right printer. Analyze your company's needs and ask your team why kinds of objects will they be printing?
If this question doesn't give you an answer, you can ask specific questions like:
● How will your prints be - basic or complex?
● Are you comfortable using technical filaments or want a printer with minimal adjustments?
These questions help set the foundation for other deciding factors.
Question 2.How Big Do You Want the Printers to be?
Industrial printers can be big or small in terms of build volume . However, it's up to you to decide how big you want them to be. The answer to this question will help you determine a budget for the printer. While searching, compare the build plates of different printers and assess the right size for your project.
Atmat - Largeformat 3d printer
Choose a large-sized printer if you are planning to offer large format 3D printing services. However, if your printing jobs can be completed in a smaller printer, go for small-sized printers only. This is because larger printers can be more costly and can give unnecessary complexity. They are suitable for producing Large format industrial parts.
Question 3:What Sort Materials Will You Be Using?
You will find plenty of 3D printers in the market, each having different functionalities and parts than others. If your printing job requires the use of abrasive materials such as Fiberlogy PA12 + CF or high temperature material like Peek, you need a printer that supports these materials in both temperature range of the hot-end and chamber.
Sometimes, you like a particular printer but it doesn’t have the part to handle a specific material you want to use. In such a case, check with the manufacturer and see if they offer that part as an add-on.
Question 4:Will You Require Technical Assistance?
It’s always better to buy printers that come with 24/7support. By support we mean, add-on parts availability, technical support via online forums, direct communications via email. phone or live chat and regular upgrades.
Choosing a large industrial 3D printer just because it’s affordable may not provide you with the above-mentioned support services. These printers do not even come with a warranty that can break down any time making you pay more for their repairing. So, make sure you choose a company that has been in the business for a long time. They will provide you with reliable support services whenever and wherever you need them.
Question 5:Do You Have Any Special Requirements?
Another essential question for those looking to buy an industrial printer for a specific requirement. For example, if you are in the medical equipment manufacturing business, desktop 3D printers for medical use will suit your needs.
Similarly, if you want to print multiple batches at once, a printer with a dual extruder will best fit your requirements. You will have to be a little extra careful while making a selection for special needs.
Workflow is another crucial factor to consider. You want the3D printer to ensure a smooth workflow and offer a great user experience with features that reduce manual work.
Choose J-Supplied for your Industrial Printer Needs
If you are not sure where you can find an industrial printer, J-Supplied is a name you can trust. Our range of printers includes incredible options with advanced technologies. We also offer filaments, so you don’t have to buy them from a third party. Feel free to explore our website.
For more information on Buying a Large Industrial 3D Printer? Ask These Questions talk to Evo3D
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