Enhancing Building Safety With Rooflights

In today’s world, safety of buildings is paramount whether it is a residential home or a commercial building.
As one of the largest rooflight manufacturers in the UK, we understand that we have an obligation to ensure the safety of all inhabitants. We ensure that our products are thoroughly tested to high industry standards.
In England and Wales, Building Regulations are developed by the UK government to ensure the structural integrity, sustainability, and safety of any buildings constructed.
In any construction project, safety is non-negotiable. Compliance with building regulations is a legal requirement and they detail the mandatory criteria that every construction project is required to adhere to.
Rooflights can play an integral part in helping architects and contractors meet and exceed the requirements set out by the government for their projects.
Glazing Vision takes the safety implications of its products seriously, and we ensure that all of our rooflight ranges have been thoroughly tested to high industry standards.
Mitigating Fire Risks
Fire safety is an ever growing concern for new and existing buildings, and rooflights can often be overlooked as an asset in fire safety strategies, rooflights are useful for so much more than just illumination.
Two Glazing Vision rooflights have been rigorously tested and certified as fire safety products – The Fire Rated Flushglaze rooflight and the xVent Automatic Opening Vent (AOV) rooflight.
The Glazing Vision Fire Rated Flushglaze rooflight has been extensively tested by the Building Research Establishment (BRE) and approved by International Fire Consultants as it achieves 30 minutes integrity and 30 minutes insulation.
This means that the glass will remain structurally sound within the framework and limit any rise in temperature on the non-fire side for 30 minutes in the event of a fire.
The Glazing Vision xVent AOV rooflight is our fully tested and certified opening fire safety product. The xVent rooflight is UKCA marked to Certified to EN 12101-2:2003 providing peace of mind to inhabitants of any building.
When installed, the xVent is electronically connected to the fire alarm system which allows the unit to automatically open to 140° for fast and effective smoke ventilation.
The automatic opening allows for fast smoke ventilation which reduces the risk of smoke inhalation for inside inhabitants, allowing them to escape the building safely.
Lighting the Way in Emergencies
Rooflights are widely known for their ability to dramatically increase levels of natural daylight in any property, the increased levels of daylight benefit occupants through enhanced mood, increased productivity, and more.
A potentially lesser recognised benefit of increased natural daylight is enhanced visibility during emergencies as occupants can navigate the space easier and locate emergency exits.
The natural daylight enhanced by glass rooflights reduce the reliance on artificial sources of lighting which is integral in an emergency especially when the electricity supply is compromised.
Safety Inside the Building
Many Glazing Vision rooflights have been awarded the Secured by Design mark, the official police security initiative, which allows peace of mind for customers as they can rest assured that the products have been tested to a national standard, recognised by Building Control.
To secure the prestigious Secured by Design mark, our rooflights were subjected to a sustained attack on the glass, framework and mechanical fixings using hand tools to test the structural integrity and safety of the product.
Glazing Vision rooflights have been awarded the highest accreditation LPS 2081 Issue 1:2015 security rating B (as opposed to security rating A) as the rooflights withstood three minutes of attack testing, in contrast to the one minute required for security rating A.
We urge anyone looking to purchase a rooflight to seek out one with the Secured by Design mark as this will allow for increased peace of mind as you can be assured that the manufacturer has taken the necessary steps to test the product to this standard in order to maximise the safety of the rooflight.
Glazing Vision rooflights also protect inhabitants through the use of laminate glass. The laminate inner pane utilised in this type of glass will be retained in the frame if broken, minimising the risk of falling pieces of glass in the rare event of breakage. Types of laminate glass include heat strengthened laminate, toughned laminate, and annealed laminate. The type of glass required will be determined on what you are looking to achieve with the rooflight and also the size/shape of the product. Our technical specification team is here to guide you through the options available to ensure the right glass specification is selected.
Glazing Vision – Paving The Way For Safety
As one of the UK’s largest manufacturers of architectural glass rooflights, we understand that safety is paramount therefore we aim to relentlessly test our range of rooflights to ensure the security and peace of mind of occupants.
To this end, the Glazing Vision Fixed Flushglaze rooflight was the first flat roof rooflight to be certified by the BBA (British Board of Agrément). To acquire this certification, our Fixed Flushglaze rooflight was tested for performance factors such as strength and stability, durability, and weathertightness.
Glazing Vision employs a dedicated QHSE team who ensure that our extensive range of rooflights are tested to stringent industry standards.
The QHSE team have secured many well known accreditations for selected Glazing Vision rooflights such as certification from the Loss Prevention Certification Board and certification from BSI to ISO9001.
Understanding Approved Document Part Q
Security should not be left to chance, therefore careful consideration needs to be taken when specifying glass rooflights for residential, commercial and public buildings.
Approved Document Q of the Building Regulations outlines security standards for new dwellings, it is important to understand the Approved Document to ensure a safe and secure build.
Glazing Vision offers a free RIBA approved CPD seminar for architects to understand the Approved Document Q. We also have a free whitepaper available to download which highlights test standards for secure windows, Secured by Design and security of glass in rooflights.
If you are still unsure around the requirements, or just need some general advice, contact our experienced team of Technical Specification Managers.
For more information on Enhancing Building Safety With Rooflights talk to Glazing Vision Ltd