Glazing Vision is pleased to have signed up to Norfolk County Council’s Flourish Pledge, A Children and Young People Partnership Strategy.
Agencies working with children, young people and families across Norfolk have come together to form the Children and Young People Strategic Alliance, with the shared ambition that Norfolk is a county where every child and young person can flourish.
The Strategic Alliance has produced Flourishing in Norfolk as our partnership strategy and plan for how they will work together to achieve this ambition over the next four years. Each letter of flourish reflects an aspect of children and young people’s lives and what they have mentioned is most important to them: their family and friends, access to learning, opportunities to lead a good life, being understood, building resilience, respect for their individuality, feeling safe and being healthy.
Flourishing consists of:
Family and friends: Children and young people are safe, connected and supported through positive relationships and networks
Learning: Children and young people are achieving their full potential and developing skills which prepare them for life
Opportunity: Children and young people develop as well-rounded individuals through access to a wide range of opportunities which nurture their interests and talents
Understood: Children and young people feel listened to, understood and part of decision-making processes
Resilience: Children and young people have the confidence and skills to make their own decisions and take on life’s challenges
Individual: Children and young people are respected as individuals, confident in their own identity and appreciate and value their own and others’ uniqueness
Safe and secure: Children and young people are supported to understand risk and make safe decisions by the actions that adults and children and young people themselves take to keep them safe and secure
Healthy: Children and young people have the support, knowledge and opportunity to lead their happiest and healthiest lives
By making the Flourish Pledge, we have joined organisations around Norfolk in directly improving children and young people’s lives and making Norfolk a better place for young people and families to live and visit.
As part of our pledge we work hard to support young people into work by providing apprenticeships and work experience opportunities and regularly attending local careers fairs. We also work with local schools and colleges such as University Technical College Norfolk (UTCN) on exciting projects and mock interviews to help provide students with real world experiences to take with them into their adult life.
“I have personally pledged to drive changes in work experience for young adults as I don’t see the current system as fit for purpose. I think we need to be doing more to help young adults choose the right career and also encouraging them to follow their passions.” – Jon Shooter, Group Managing Director.
For more information about the work of the Children and Young People Strategic Alliance and their partnership strategy: Flourishing in Norfolk, visit the Norfolk County Council website.
For more information on Glazing Vision Sign Up To The Flourish Pledge talk to Glazing Vision Ltd