NARM, the National Association of Rooflight Manufacturers, has re-launched as The Rooflight Association.
Previously under the NARM banner, the Association’s membership was focussed on manufacturing businesses. As the Rooflight Association, membership is now also open to rooflight installers, specifiers, distributors and others involved in the rooflight industry.
Ian Weakford, Rooflight Association Chairman, explains: “Our mission is to support best practice and to ensure growth and sustainability in all sectors of our industry. To continue fulfilling this role in today’s landscape – and to truly be the voice of the UK’s rooflight industry as we claim – we need to embrace all aspects of rooflighting, from design and specification, through to installation and beyond”.
The Rooflight Association will build on its illustrious past as NARM, expanding its work in serving member companies; shaping standards & legislation; supporting safe roof working practices; and providing authoritative, independent technical information for designers and specifiers.
New Membership Categories
The Association has re-structured to offer four membership categories:
- Manufacturer membership is open to UK rooflight manufacturers and wholly owned subsidiaries.
- Associate membership is open to specialist distributors, architectural/survey/inspection practices; and rooflight component or ancillary manufacturers
- Installer membership is open ro roofing and building contractors and glazing installation businesses
- Individual personal membership is open to specifiers, installers, inspectors and consultants
Each category has been assigned a carefully assembled package of member benefits, which are being promoted as ‘Tools to Build a Brighter Future’.
These include: representation on influential industry committees and working groups; early access to legislative changes; marketing and profile building; learning opportunities; networking with like minded businesses and individuals and the ability to play a role in shaping the rooflight industry.
Increased Resources
“We’re looking forward to welcoming new members to share our mission and values, in building a brighter future for the whole industry. Increased membership will allow us to expand our resources to meet the continual challenges of a rapidly evolving industry that’s subject to frequent and wide-ranging legislative changes”, said Ian Weakford.
He continued: “We have already invested in researching and developing member benefits relevant to the different membership categories, as well as a new website, updated documentation and a new brand identity that will carry us forward in the coming years.”
The Association itself a member of the Construction Products Association and has long played an important role commissioning, analysing and publishing research to inform legislators and standards organisations. Its work in the field of daylight and energy saving has been put to use in Approved Document L of The Building Regulations. It has also been instrumental in driving improvements in safety for roof workers, through a close working partnership with ACR, the Advisory Committee for Roofsafety. As a member organisation of European rooflighting trade association Eurolux, close ties have been maintained with the European market for rooflights.
Glazing Vision are proud to be members of The Rooflight Association and we would encourage all rooflight installers, specifiers, distributors and others involved in the rooflight industry to become a member so that together we can help shape industry standards & legislation and support safe roof working practices.
Membership Opportunities
Full details of Rooflight Association membership categories and benefits can be found the the Association’s new website, together with membership criteria, fee structure and application forms. Visit rooflightassociation.org or email membership@rooflightassociation.org
For more information on NARM Re-Launches As ‘The Rooflight Association' talk to Glazing Vision Ltd