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Güntner launches new future-proof aicore™ product range

Güntner, the market leader in innovative heat exchange solutions, proudly announces the launch of its new future-proof product range of data-driven controllers and solutions, aicore™.

The new product offering leverages a versatile, data-driven strategy to optimize energy efficiency, enhance system reliability and provide analysis and monitoring. The name (pronounced “i-core”), brings together the future of artificial intelligence (ai) and ‘core’, which reflects the central nervous system or ‘core’ of these products.

The aicore range includes the current next-generation controllers aicore™ air (previously GMMnext) and aicore™ hydro (previously GHM). Also introducing the latest in cooling technology controls, aicore™ fusion merges the already existing aicore™ air & hydro hydroBLU™ control systems while expanding capability even further as a single controls solution for complete adiabatic operation. This complete product range can be paired with Güntner’s latest IoT and analytics platform aicore™ cloud for a 360 degree view of operations and conditions with real-time insights for optimization and reliability.

For more information on Güntner launches new future-proof aicore™ product range talk to Güntner

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