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Warning Signs - (Anti Climb Barrier)

When utilizing anti-climb products like Roller Barrier, it is a legal obligation to prominently display appropriate warning signs. Additionally, displaying warning signs is a sensible practice as they serve to reinforce the deterrent effect of anti-climb measures.


Ideally, anti-climb warning signs should inform individuals about the specific type of anti-climb precaution in place. These warning signs succinctly convey the message: "Anti Climb Barrier Installed." This simplicity makes them well-suited for various anti-climb barriers, including roller barriers and rotating anti-climb spiked spinners.


It's crucial to note that neglecting to display the necessary warning signs may lead to legal consequences in the form of civil action if someone is harmed or if damage occurs due to the anti-climb barrier.


To maximize effectiveness, ensure that warning signs for anti-climb barriers are clearly visible to individuals approaching the protected area.


For extended, linear boundaries such as fences or walls, it is advisable to display warning signs at regular intervals, with no greater spacing than 3 meters.

For more information on Warning Signs - (Anti Climb Barrier) talk to Insight Security

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