Can you Store Diesel in an IBC Tank?

IBC tanks are versatile and effective storage and transport options for a wide range of liquids and dry goods. Just how versatile are IBC tanks when it comes to storing fuel? If you use diesel for home or industrial use, you may be wondering can you store diesel in an IBC tank?
Can You Store Fuel in an IBC Tank?
IBC tanks are made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE). This is a material that can safely hold a wide variety of dry products and liquids of different viscosities, including hazardous goods. Which poses the question, does that include fuel? Can you store diesel in an IBC container?
It is possible to store fuel in an IBC tank, but there are caveats to that. The HSE outline safety risks associated with storage and handling of chemicals and fuels. It is wise to consider both the safety aspects and the impact on the classification standards of your IBC tanks if you choose to store fuel in an IBC tank.
Can an IBC Tank Hold Diesel?
An IBC tank can hold diesel, but it is not ideal as a long-term storage option.
Diesel is considered a Grade 4 flammable product as well as combustible a flammable liquid under DSEAR because its flashpoint is between 21°C and 60°C. This means it can easily catch fire, so correct storage and handling of diesel is vital for the safety around people and products.
Over time the diesel will act upon the HDPE causing corrosion which damages the IBC tank (reducing its longevity and future usefulness) and opens the possibility of leaking diesel, both the liquid and fumes.
Can You Store Diesel in an IBC Container? If you do choose to store diesel in an IBC tank, it’s wise to limit this to a period of six months and to ensure it is stored at room temperature and away from direct sunlight. Correct choice of your IBC tank is important, as a UV protected tank can help reduce exposure to sunlight and temperature variation.
Can I Store Diesel in a Plastic Tank?
You can store diesel in a plastic tank if the tank is made from HDPE and designated for oil storage. Even so, the same caveats around safety and not storing diesel for more than six months apply.
If you do store diesel in a plastic tank it will need to be reviewed to check for corrosion or any other damage, particularly around valves and lids, and repaired as necessary for future use of your IBC tank.
Can You Store Oil in an IBC?
An IBC tank can be used for transporting oil if it’s made from HDPE and a designated oil product. It should be correctly labelled as a flammable product. While you can transport oil in an IBC, it’s not wise to store oil in an IBC for safety reasons.
Professional Advice on Choosing the Right IBC Container for Your Needs
With a range of quality and UN-compliant IBC tanks on the market, it’s prudent to talk to a qualified professional to ensure you are purchasing the correct IBC tank for your needs. Contact the friendly staff at ITP Packaging today for advice you can count.
For more information on Can you Store Diesel in an IBC Tank? talk to ITP Packaging Ltd