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Providers of Sterile Air Filters
Providers of Sterile Air Filters

Compressed air is contaminated with compressor oil, water, condensate, pipe scale and rust. The warm, moist, oxygen-rich compressed air provides the perfect environment for bacteria to grow and prosper. This natural occuring contaminate can also effect the taste, appearance, and shelf life of food product. The food processing and packaging industry utilizes compressed air extensively throughout their facilities. In addition to packaging, compressed air is also used to push and propel product, and cut and mix product. Although most compressed air systems have some form of filtration, the filtration is not nearly adequate, particularly where bacteria and mold are concerned. Safeguard your food product from bacterial contamination with a Parker Balston Sterile Air Filtration System.

For more information on Providers of Sterile Air Filters talk to KC Controls (UK) LLP

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