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Indoor Material Handling

ndoor Material Handling - Industrial production on the move

Whenever products, packing units or raw materials in industrial cargo production are moved, lifted or conveyed, intra logistics gets involved which is a broad field comprising the range from linear drives through assembly and handling units to gantries and robots.


Apart from increasing automation the focus is on cross-linking drives and machines. In consideration of Industry 4.0 the objective is the production of small quantities at a high efficiency rate. In this case availability and reliability of the individual (electric) drives are as important as energy efficiency.

This means for drive components such as couplings and overload sytems that they have to be free from wear, compact and easy to assemble. Moreover, servo and synchronous drives require backlash-free operation and/or accurate response in case of overload along with industry-specific requirements like „Hygienic Design“ with food processing and packaging machinery.



For assembly, handling and materials handling technology as well as general mechanical engineering we provide for a wide range of catalogue products. The couplings compensate for shaft displacement and dampen vibrations, thus increasing the service life of the drive system. Overload systems prevent damages on the machines in case of overload, clamping sets and precision joints ensure a safe connection of drive components. This means that KTR is actually a system provider in the field of „Indoor Material Handling“.

For more information on Indoor Material Handling talk to KTR U.K. Ltd

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