Security labels are designed to protect labelled items by deterring thieves and/or tampering. Our security void labels protect high value goods by leaving behind the message "Void" when the label is removed.
Our security void labels are made with a high quality matt silver polyester with a void adhesive. Our void adhesive is a partial transfer adhesive, which means the "Void" message is left behind on both the label itself and the previouslly labelled item.
Void labels can be used to deter theft and tampering by providing a clear indication that someone has tampered with the item (by removing the label). Security labels can be applied directly onto products (where they can act as both security labels and warranty labels) or onto product packaging (where they can act as security labels and security seals that indicate when a package has been opened).
Our security labels are popular for use on high value goods, especially appliances and electronic devices. They are supplied on A4 sheets and are suitable for use with laser printers.
For more information on Security Labels talk to Label Planet Ltd