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Quiz Funnel Building Services: Launching at LMNts Marketing: Unlock Your Marketing Potential

At LMNts marketing, we have always believed in the power of interaction, and have created a couple of quiz funnels ourselves. In fact, we have created one from scratch with 168 questions using Google Data Studio to create diagrams. Technology has improved since (3 years ago), and we are at the stage that we can call ourselves quiz funnel experts. So, we decided to offer a brand new service: Quiz Funnel Building. Find out more about what it is and how it can benefit you. 


What Is Quiz Funnel Marketing and How Is It Different from Traditional Funnels?


quiz funnel is designed to create engagement, do your research, and make the most out of the interaction. It can also help you appear less salesy. It’s like the difference between hard sale and consultative sale. However, you can also qualify your prospects using this method, which means that you will not have to give out a free consultation to anyone and everyone. This way, you can focus on people who are the closest to your ideal client persona.

What Are the Benefits of Quiz Funnel Building Services?

As mentioned above, you will be able to reach more people and conduct research faster and without having to spend a lot of time on the project in a short period of time using a quiz or survey. Whether you are launching a new product or service, or you want to find out whether there’s a demand for additional services you can simply run a quiz campaign. 

1. Instead of employing a market research company, you can conduct your own research. 


2. Another main benefit of using quizzes in your funnel is that you will be able to qualify your leads so you don’t waste your time and energy on the wrong prospects. It’s the magic of working smarter instead of harder! 


3 Finally, you can automate your lead generation and qualification, saving thousands of pounds in wages. And that’s a benefit that makes it really worth it to work with a quiz funnel building professional. 

Which Industries Can Benefit from Surveys?

Generally speaking, any industry can benefit from surveys and utilising quiz funnel building services and systems. However, the more specific you are about your ideal clients the more these systems will work for you. Companies with specific products can also help clients determine the right solution without having to go on a chat. 

Let’s say that you offer three different levels of service. It’s hard to determine which one would suit the client the most without sitting down with them face-to-face. At least that was the case before quizzes existed. Now, you can simply ask them a few questions and they can be presented with the ideal solution. 

Another use of this type of funnel is to determine the right product for the client. We have built some quizzes where we pointed people to a free eBook or download if we thought they were not ready. We still helped them, but they were not the right fit for working with them one-to-one. 

Overall, any industry can benefit from surveys in their funnels as a market research or qualification tool. 

Do Quiz Funnels Work?

You bet they do! In fact, they do have a much higher conversion rate than any other landing page out there. See this stat from one of our accounts. 


quiz lead generation Typeform

Of course, you will have to know your audience, ask the right questions, and make it fun. You will have to master the landing page creation, the conditional logic, and the outcome. Otherwise, you will not be able to use this brilliant tool for lead generation. 


In summary, you might need quiz funnel building expertise to nail your questions and logic, but once you have these pages built, you can pretty much just send any traffic to them and generate, qualify, and convert leads into clients at ease. 


From the design to the wording, the targeting, and the optimisation there are loads of things that go on behind the scenes of creating a winning quiz for your marketing. Just like with any funnel, you can have the best platform if you don’t know what you are doing.

Just like a Maserati would be useless for someone who cannot drive. 


Which Platforms Are The Best for Building Quiz Funnels?

We have tried several platforms over the past five years, and experimented with almost all of them. Some of them are plugins that work on your site, while others can be embedded. From Interact to ScoreApp, and Typeform/VideoAsk, we have been there, done that, and wore the T-shirts. Even created quizzes from scratch using Google Forms (which is still working on one of our client’s sites after 4 years. 


Currently, our preference is ScoreApp, along with Typeform/VideoAsk. There are benefits of both. ScoreApp is easier to build and design, but Typeform has a better conversion rate overall and it gives you more options to collect information and qualify people. It also provides you with 2- 3 different outcomes based on the answers. To be honest, it did take us a while to figure out the designing features, but once we built one we couldn’t be stopped. 


Examples of Quiz Funnel Projects

The first quiz we built on this site was the one about sales funnels (of course). You can find it below. However, we have also created a couple of other quizzes for our clients that were generating great results. 



Here is a quiz funnel we created 3 years ago, before we had the technology to build it with software. It was done from scratch, and gave you a full assessment on your career and life based on 108 questions. 

This other quiz was set up four years ago as well, using Manychat automation, and it was designed to qualify property investment leads for a business in the UK. 

So, as you can see, we have been in this industry and have loved quiz funnels for much longer than most marketing or sales funnel agencies. And we have developed a full understanding of them, so we can translate your business goals into quizzes and into lead generation machines. 

How Much Does the Quiz Funnel Building Service Cost?

You might think that with AI and all, you can create a quiz funnel for the price of the software. You might think that, but we cannot possibly comment. 

At the end of the day, AI will not understand your ideal clients, their pain points, and your solutions as well as an intelligent human being does. 


So building a quiz funnel takes time. You need to do the research, choose your wording carefully, and design it in a way that it appeals to your audience. And that requires expertise. 


You could go to ScoreApp and get the experts to build your quiz. But that will not include your marketing plan, the targeting, and the ad creatives. 


We can build a quiz funnel that will churn out leads for many years to come with a marketing plan included for less than the price of  a basic website. In fact, we’ve done it before. 


So, if you are interested in working in collaboration with the LMNts Team to create a long lasting asset in your business that will keep your sales team and your clients happy, get in touch below. 

How to Find Out More about Our Funnel Building Services:

This is a brand new offer, not yet open to the public. So, to avoid disappointment, it is recommended that you get in touch and book a sales funnel overview as soon as you can to avoid being on a waiting list later. Our funnel building services are likely to deliver 2x to 5x results in the first 24 months, so if you are serious about growing your business, you should take action today.

For more information on Quiz Funnel Building Services: Launching at LMNts Marketing: Unlock Your Marketing Potential talk to LMNts Marketing

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