Customer Paging Systems, Communications, Staff paging systems, paging systems, onsite communications

Staffordshire, United Kingdom, 3rd January 2018
For immediate release.
Long Range Systems UK offices are promoting a customer and patient aware campaign about using SAFE customer and staff paging systems. The LRS systems were designed as far back as 1993 but when they were designed the units were all made to be cleanable. It makes sense to be able to do that - even before the current bacteria and viruses became intolerable.
Managing Director Tony Mckenzie commented "The LRS pagers are some of the only pagers out there that can safely be cleaned with sprays and liquids to kill bacteria and to stop the transmission of those nasty bugs. Our original patented designs are still the best in the industry. We have seen in recent times many brands of pagers used by staff and the public which have either 'speaker holes' or 'nooks and crannies' and even some of those other brands with holes designed right in there to harbour bacteria and viruses."
Mckenzie continued "We don't have products like that - we are careful when we design products - to be the best designs there is - and to stand the test of time no matter what comes along in the future. I have sympathy for anyone using one of those paging systems that can be capable of spreading these dangerous bugs. The question is - what do you do if you have one of those syatems with speaker holes etc in there?
Well, give LRS a call and we will take it in part exchange for one of our SAFE systems and dispose of the old system in a safe environmentally friendly way." Well at least LRS UK is doing it's part when it comes to helping customers resolve their issues where pagers can transmit bacteria or viruses among the community.
When asked Mckenzie commented further "Yes its true we want to help people with those problems, but I wonder why the sellers of those systems just simply keep on selling them? But there again, I guess they are not the customer and maybe they have a disregard for the very important aspects where bacteria is concerned and the transmission of those bacteria in society." Check the website for further information on this important subject.
For more information on Customer Paging Systems, Communications, Staff paging systems, paging systems, onsite communications talk to Long Range Systems UK Ltd