It is fair to say that, until the introduction of the mobile phone in the 1990s, personal pagers were the best (and indeed only) form of truly mobile communication. These devices worked by emitting a loud, incessant beep to attract an individual’s attention and prompt them to check an incoming message.
The actual messages were sent in a way that was not that dissimilar to Morse code i.e. the number of beeps conveyed a meaning which could be interpreted as being a fully understandable sentence. Unsurprisingly, early paging technology had its limitations. Indeed, two paging units had to be within a 40 kilometre range if the owners wanted to contact each other. However, it soon became clear that this technology could be very beneficial to highly mobile people whose services were needed by their peers in a localised area (i.e. doctors, consultants, detectives, businessmen etc.). Of course, mobile phones are now very much the mobile communication tool of choice for most people these days.
To be sure, many people assume that paging devices are now about as useful as Atari games consoles and Sinclair C5s. However, this is not the case. In fact, paging technology still has a very relevant role to play in the 21st century. For instance, establishments such as hospitals and restaurants employ paging solutions to help them deal with their patients and serve their customers more effectively.
Certainly, shouting out a person’s name or making an announcement via a prompter is nowhere near as effective as directly paging an individual through a paging unit provided by the establishment. Indeed, paging solutions immediately notify patients and customers that it is their turn to be served or treated in a completely discreet and fuss-free way. Hospitals Hospitals by their very nature are busy, dynamic and unpredictable environments. Running effective treatment services, waiting lists, emergency response teams and pharmacy services is no easy task in a building where thousands of staff members, patients and members of the general public are milling around and rushing from A to B.
An efficient paging solution can be invaluable in such an environment as it enables staff members to be called to where they’re most needed and ensures patients and members of the public can be seen without having to wait in the same spot for ages. Restaurants Waiting for an indeterminate amount of time for a table to become free in a restaurant can be a drag. Indeed, hunger and impatience can quickly conspire to spoil an otherwise enjoyable evening out.
Unsurprisingly, most diners who are forced to wait for too long will simply leave an establishment and look elsewhere for a decent feed. Restaurant paging systems can be priceless in this respect as they can allow diners to wait in more conducive surroundings or even nip out to nearby shops while they wait for a table to become available. Is paging technology still relevant and useful in the 21st century? You bet!
For more information on Technology - Why Paging Technology is Still Relevant and Useful in the 21st Century talk to Long Range Systems UK Ltd