Whether you want to keep in touch with your ski-ing pals on the piste, or keep tabs on hikers who are walking at different speeds, two way radios are light and robust and so ideal for that sort of task.
But it's important that you select the model that's right for you and what you need. Here are some tips to help you with your choice: Choosing the Right Type of Radio Essentially, there are a couple of basic configurations from which to make your selection, both are widely used in a number of different settings: 1.) UHF (Ultra High Frequency) – has a shorter wavelength so the signal can more easily find its way across rough terrain or inside a building. It's good for using inside buildings and more channels are available.
In more densely populated areas, there may be less likelihood of interference from other systems. 2.) VHF (Very High Frequency) – has a longer wavelength meaning it can transmit across greater distances where conditions are good. Unless the area is especially rugged or wooded, VHF is great for use outdoors. But these days (2024) there is more!
Now there is a whole new technology based on digital signals. The main advantages of those type of radios is that the communications is often crystal clear. But unfortunately compared to the old 'analogue' radios the digital radios are incompatible unless you opt for a 'hybrid' radio that can communicate to either type of product. Coverage Ranges You will often see claims of various ranges, generally expressed in miles, displayed on packaging.
These tend to be based on transmitting in the best possible conditions, with an uninterrupted sight line between you and the other radio you are communicating with, and at a good height in good weather. The reality could well be different, so expect less than optimal conditions, and for the range to frequently be less than the maximum claimed. Generally speaking, in the great majority of situations, you can realistically expect a range of a good couple of miles, less if you are inside a vehicle. Performance can be affected by: • Poor weather, such as heavy cloud • Canyons, hills and other topographical factors • Obstructions, such as thick woodland However, even if these obstacles are in place, you will still be able to benefit from a strong short-range signal.
And, of course, if you go for a model with greater power, perhaps with one or two watts, you will get a bigger signal. However, if you're staying within a relatively compact area, a unit with lower power should be perfectly adequate. What LRS Pagers Offers Whether you're looking for a two way radio solution or paging systems, at LRS UK we can help. We're leading suppliers of wireless products across a wide range of industries.
We're committed to giving our customers quality, service and values, for example through 24/7 live tech support. We're also industry leaders when it comes to innovation, with a number of patents on our own products. Equally, all new paging systems sold in the UK come with a three year warranty for extra peace of mind.
Two way radios come with manufacturers warranty. And we bring 30 years' industry experience to all our dealings with our customers. Make us your first port of call for pagers, radios, transmitters and a wide range of accessories. Log on to our website or call us today for the cost of a local call - and don't forget to visit https://twowayradiosuk.co.uk/
For more information on Two-way Radios - Choosing Two Way Radio Systems talk to Long Range Systems UK Ltd