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MPCSA11 Medpage Activity Tracking Fall Prevention Sensor Controller Alarm
MPCSA11 Medpage Activity Tracking Fall Prevention Sensor Controller Alarm ? Can be used to monitor a persons daily activity and rise an alarm to a potential fall ? Can be used as a comprehensive bed, chair, and movement detection system ? Can operate independently with a bed, chair, door, movement, or floor pressure mat sensor ? Can activate the Medpage communication alarm hub to relay alarm notifications to off-site carers The MPCSA11 is a versatile multi-function alarm sensor monitoring system. A 3-channel radio receiver can monitor 3 sensors working independently or be configured to produce a combination fall detection notification system. The alarm mode can be selected for instant or delay before alarm. The following examples describe method of operation using a bed, chair, and movement sensor. Using Delayed Alarm Function Example 1. Night-time W/C visit. Detection mode set to Bed Sensor with active delay (selectable delay duration) Patient leaves their bed and walks to the W/C. A return to bed within selected time interval, alarm is cancelled. Failure to return in time, alarm is activated to signal pager alarm and or alarm communication hub. Example 2. Exit from chair. Detection mode set to Chair Sensor with active delay. Patient rises from and exits chair. Delay time selected 30 minutes. Return to chair within alarm delay countdown, alarm is cancelled. Failure to return within delay setting, alarm is activated to signal pager alarm and or alarm communication hub. Example 3. Activity Monitoring Fall Detection Mode. In this example a bed, chair and movement sensor are used to monitor the typical daily activity of a falls risk patient. Each sensor transmitter is selected for active delay. Patient rises and exits bed. Bed alarm delay now active. Patient walks to washroom. Movement sensor alarm now active and signal sent to cancel bed alarm. Patient returns to bed, no alarm. Patient fails to return to bed alarm activated. Patient rises from bed, walks past the movement sensor then sits on their chair in living room. Movement and bed alarm delays are cancelled. If the patient rises and exits their chair and is not detected by the movement sensor or bed return the alarm is activated. The patient can move from bedroom to washroom, to kitchen, to sitting room, monitored by non-invasive sensors. An alarm generation almost certainly confirms a fall. The system provides freedom of movement around the home for the patient without unnecessary alarms activating. When used with the communication hub (KFD1), or connected Telecare systems false alarms are significantly reduced Technical Features MPCSA11 Alarm Controller Wireless frequency 433MHz Wireless range typically 100M Powered by 3 x AA batteries Optional AC/DC power adaptor Typical battery life 6-9 months Power status LED Cordless bed and chair pad alarm LEDs Auxiliary wireless alarm alert LED 3 x Integral wireless alarm channels with channel active LEDs 1 x addressable alarm transmitter channel Alarm mode selectable instant or delayed Alarm transmission for pager alarm or communication hub Radio signal integrity monitoring Monitor low battery warning Sensor transmitter low battery warning On-device button and wireless remote alarm reset (with compatible devices) Alarm trigger inputs: 1 x cabled, 3 x wireless sensor pairing Visual indication of active alarm device Jack socket and RJ11 alarm trigger input Output for Nurse Call or Telecare systems RED compliant

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