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A47 road schemes in Norfolk given go-ahead

Three multi-million-pound road schemes aimed at improving safety and reducing journey times around Norwich are a step closer after a judge upheld the original decisions by the Secretary of State for Transport to grant development consent orders (DCOs).

Today (Fri 7 July, 2023), following a judicial review at the High Court in London, Mrs Justice Thornton DBE found the DCOs, which are a type of planning permission granted by the Secretary of State for Transport, were properly assessed and will stand.

Concluding her judgment, Mrs Justice Thornton said: “The Secretary of State succeeds on the primary issue raised by the challenge in that the Court is not persuaded that his approach to the assessment of cumulative carbon emissions was unlawful and/or in breach of IEIA Regulations.” [IEIA – Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017].

The three National Highways road schemes are:

• New dual carriageway and junctions between Blofield and North Burlingham
• New dual carriageway and junctions between North Tuddenham and Easton
• Redevelopment of Thickthorn junction (where A11 meets the A47 south of Norwich)

Chris Griffin, Programme leader for National Highways in the East Region, welcomed the decision from the High Court. “Today’s judgment is wonderful news for people living and working around Norwich. Our plans will improve journey times and are designed to make the A47 a safer road. We know from speaking to local people there is overwhelming support for these schemes.”

The claimant – a former councillor – now has 21 days to seek permission from the Court of Appeal if he wishes to challenge the decision.

Work on all three schemes had been expected to start shortly after their DCO decisions last year but this was put on hold pending the outcome of legal challenges. These projects have now been delayed by at least a year.

The original completion date for the Blofield scheme was summer 2024, the Tuddenham upgrade was due to open to traffic in winter 2025, and the Thickthorn redevelopment was scheduled for early 2025.

National Highways will now work with its contractor to establish new timescales for all three projects. The intention is to deliver them as soon as possible, but a number of months have already been lost as a result of the legal challenges. Any change to the completion dates of the projects will be announced by National Highways over the coming weeks.

Each of the three schemes has been specifically designed to increase safety and help to reduce congestion on the A47. The latest traffic modelling data shows that a combined figure of over 100,000 vehicles pass through the sections where the upgrades are planned every day. Following completion of the projects, casualty projections over the next 60 years suggest that as many as 119 fatal or serious injury collisions could be prevented.

All the schemes are also designed to provide an overall ‘biodiversity net gain’ – that means a real focus is given to retaining existing habitats. Where it is absolutely necessary to remove any form of biodiversity, National Highways will ensure more than what is taken is replanted or new habitat created. That could include grassland, hedgerows, ponds and woodland.

Addressing the legal challenges, Chris added: “It’s a fundamental right that people have a route to challenge the government when they feel it is necessary. These legal challenges have been running for almost a year now and I am very pleased with the outcome of the judicial reviews that potentially puts us one step away from being able to break ground and start work on these important projects.

“The A47 is a vital artery connecting the east of the country with the heart of UK. Being able to move forward with our job of delivering a safer and more reliable road that will contribute towards long-term economic growth for the region and help to connect people and communities is very exciting.”

For more information on A47 road schemes in Norfolk given go-ahead talk to Nationwide Sureties

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