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How To Use a Standing Desk Correctly

If you want to boost your productivity and creativity at work, then you might be interested in a standing desk. However, making sure that you’re using it correctly is key, especially if you want to create the perfect ergonomic setup. 

Here at Order Office Furniture, we have a selection of modern electric desks that give you complete control over your desk height. In this blog, we will show you how to use a standing desk correctly, as well as tell you what height a standing desk should be. 

Let’s get into it in a bit more detail! 

What is a Standing Desk? 

So, you’re considering a standing desk - a great choice! However, before we tell you how to use a standing desk properly, it might be beneficial to know what a standing desk actually is

Simply, a standing desk is a desk that allows you to work comfortably while standing up. The purpose of the desk is to improve your overall work performance and ensure that you can achieve your daily work goals without experiencing any physical strain that tends to nag after a full day of sitting down. Most standing desks can be adjusted for you to be able to make the choice between standing and sitting. 

If you want to find out if a standup desk is for you, check out our blog post: Are Standing Desks Worth It

Woman at a standing desk writing on a laptop

What Height Should a Standing Desk Be? 

Not that you know what a standing desk is, the next question is: what height should a standing desk be? When it comes to the height of your standing desk, it should be set to your elbow height, or just slightly below. This means that your elbows need to be at a 90-degree position while standing. 

The reason for this is that it will help to maintain a proper posture and reduce the risk of musculoskeletal issues. Your standing desk height can also depend on things such as your own height. Have a read of our blog, Pros and Cons of Sit-Standing Desks, for more information! 

Tips to Use a Standing Desk Correctly 

You now know what a standing desk is and what height it should be. So the next thing to explore is how to use your standing desk correctly. Although it may seem like you can just put your desk up and start working, there are a few things that you can do to ensure that you’re using your standup desk properly. 

Let’s have a look at these tips and tricks in a bit more detail… 

1. Alternate Between Sitting and Standing 

Even though a standing desk encourages you to stand up, you should actually alternate between standing up and sitting down. Standing up all day can cause sore feet, swelling of the legs, and stiffness in your neck and shoulders, while sitting down all day can increase your risk of chronic health problems. Therefore, a mixture of both is recommended. 

To alternate between the two seamlessly, begin by introducing short standing intervals and gradually increase them. You can even use a timer to remind yourself to switch positions. Make sure to invest in an ergonomic office chair for those times when you are sitting down!

2. Adapt The Correct Posture 

There’s no point in investing in a standing office desk if your posture isn’t correct. Most back pains are due to bad posture, so adopting the correct position when standing up is crucial. Make sure that you keep your neck tall and your shoulders relaxed. Your knees should also be slightly bent while standing so that they aren’t hyperextended or have their joints locked. 

Your wrists should also be straight and parallel to the surface of your desk - they should never be tilted upwards or downwards. If you’re using a monitor to work then your screen should be at eye level so that your neck doesn’t have to strain upwards to view it. 

For further information, have a read of our blog: How To Ensure Your Desk Setup is Ergonomic

A man using a standing desk having a meeting with a laptop

3. Purchase an Anti-Fatigue Mat 

An anti-fatigue mat is commonly used in jobs that require extended periods of standing, which you might be exposed to if you’re using a standing desk. These mats can combat standing fatigue by encouraging subtle movements of your leg muscles which improves blood flow and reduces overall discomfort. These mats can also help with leg problems and lower back pain. 

Most anti-fatigue mats are soft and cushioned, making standing for long periods much more comfortable. They also have a gentle pressure and slight bounce to help stimulate blood flow, reducing swelling and discomfort in your legs. 

4. Take Regular Breaks 

Like any job, taking regular breaks is essential to prevent burnout and to stretch your limbs. Even though standing at your desk is better than sitting, you should still take regular breaks to move and stretch, clear your head, and rest your eyes. Even if you leave your desks for two minutes at a time, you’re still making the effort to move your body and take a break from your standing position. 

If you struggle with taking breaks, you can install a reminder software on your computer. Remember, taking small breaks means that you can experience less achy limbs and joint pain. One study actually found that just two weeks after using a reminder programme, call centre employees experienced less upper limb and back discomfort

Invest in a Standing Desk With Order Office Furniture! 

We hope that this guide has been helpful in showing you how to use a standing desk. As we’ve mentioned above, things such as your standing desk posture and alternating between standing and sitting can be crucial in maintaining a good posture at work. 

For more information on How To Use a Standing Desk Correctly talk to Order Office Furniture

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