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Lets Focus On Being More Environmentally Conscious. Let's Build A Better World For Our Future

Lets Focus On Being More Environmentally Conscious. Let's Build A Better World For Our Future.
In light of World Environment Day, an annual event held on 5th June, that brings to light the crucial state in which we find the climate across the globe and the grievous environmental concerns that have been affecting our planet for many years, including global warming, pollution and overpopulation, etc, it is certainly worth thinking about how businesses from all over the world can help shape the future path of our environment and bring us closer to nature. Like World Environment Day, that promotes the most positive environmental action worldwide, how can we help raise awareness of our environment through the world of business and export to help build a better world for our future? There are numerous ways that this is possible. Below are some ways in which Peak Translations is doing their bit to be more environmentally conscious: –
“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it”.
As a business, we are always seeking ways to help reduce our carbon footprint. As a language service provider, we offer several language services that don’t involve a paper trail; most of our professional translation is sent via email in formats such as PDF or word.doc unless it is a legal translation such as a marriage certificate that requires certification, which would require a hardcopy sent in the post. We also recently had a new CRM installed, which is a step forward to reducing the amount of paper use within the office. Another more environmentally friendly service comes in the form of telephone interpreting or online video-type conferencing, such as skype interpreting, assisting our clients with verbal internet
For more information on Lets Focus On Being More Environmentally Conscious. Let's Build A Better World For Our Future talk to Peak Translations Ltd
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