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Testing Time overcome, with a Unique
Rotalube Chain Lubrication System.
The department of transport stipulates that all Aerosol cans must be tested before being transported under sub part G: Gases; Preparation and Packaging.
During this process each container must be subjected to a test performed in a hot water bath; the temperature of the bath and duration of the test set to ensure that there are no leakages or permanent deformation of the container.
A major aerosol manufacturer wanted to improve the performance and reliability of their testing process and in doing so turned to Rotalube Systems Ltd for assistance.
The operating conditions of the test bath plant were such that the single conveyor chain, known as “Peg Chain”, would wear and stretch over time. Conventional methods of manually applying lubricants were not ineffective and crude automatic systems were problematic and needed constant attention to ensure that there was no over lubrication .
Improper lubrication led to the chain pins wearing prematurely, during the last test report each pin had worn 0.54mm , one chain had 1625pegs so the stretch in a 12 month period was calculated to be 877.5 mm.
The cost to for a new replacement chain was approximately £48,000.00 per line and a new self-lube chain with pegs and springs was approximately £61,000.00.
The self-lube chain chosen and fitted as this was deemed to be the best option to pro long chain life and quality, after very close monitoring it was found that there were signs of (wear) stretch soon after installation so consequently a solution had to be found quickly, this is when the company turned to Rotalube for assistance.
Two Rotalube Systems were installed on both test baths and the chains were closely monitored. After nearly two years of production, the two chains are running as if they were New, the Rotalube systems to date have doubled the life of the chain and reduced downtime considerably.
The pay back for these systems has been calculated in months, taking into consideration the loss of production that the company endured over a two year period. It was estimated that loss in production over the prior two years was a staggering 990,000 units .
The amount of lubricant being used by the new Rotalube system is minimal and the system has been designed specifically to lubricate the chain linkages ,despite the chains orientation. The oil feed will spit directly into the top pin as the chain moves irrespective of chain speed, each pin will be lubricated little and often. The system maintains the optimum lubrication requirement without over-lubricating which is also essential for this process where cans are so near to the point of lubrication.
The customer has major capital investment for 2017 and will be installing two New Aerosol manufacturing lines, both lines will be fitted with test baths and high on the list of requirements is two Rotalube systems .
For more information on Aerosol test bath Peg Chain,life extended by Rotalube talk to Rotalube Systems Limited
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