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Glass Fibre forming Oven Chains

The Glass Fibre cuts the life of forming Chain.
Introducing an advanced Chain Lubrication system resulted in an annual saving of £38,000.00 pa
A major Glass Fibre manufacturer wanted to improve the performance and reliability of their manufacturing process and in doing so turned to Rotalube Systems Ltd for assistance.
A mixture of natural sand and recycled glass at 1,450 °C is converted into fibres to produce fiberglass .The manufacturing process is in extremely arduous operating conditions which effects the life of the forming chain, resulting in both downtime and increased operational costs.
The operating conditions on the forming conveyor were such that the conveyor chain, would wear and stretch resulting in chain replacements every 2 years at a cost of £66,000.00
The common lubrication systems fitted to such conveyors are Positive Displacement systems, that would spit oil onto the chain linkages via nozzles, as the chain is operating .The problems found with such systems are that they would not lubricate the correct parts of the chain consistently especially as production speeds are increased. A direct result of this was for the system operation to be increased resulting in over lubrication of the chain.
The feed nozzles would become out of sequence should the nozzles be knocked or if there was a slight stretch of the chain. With these systems there is a constant requirement for the system to be adjusted to ensure lubricant hits the chain at the correct place.
Installing the Rotalube reduced the lubricant consumption by 8 Litres per day, saving the end user £10,752.00 of lubricant a year.
The end results are such that the chain has not been replaced for four years exceeding the end users expectations for reliability/ performance and improved health and safety.
For Further information, please contact:
Keith Horner keith@rotalube.com Tel: +44 (0) 1254 311196
For more information on Glass Fibre forming Oven Chains talk to Rotalube Systems Limited
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