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Rustbuster’s R10/B1 Resin Remover

This week we were asked to check if our R10/B1 resin remover was working, strange request we thought but lets test it again and check that the results are as we would expect.


Rustbuster R10/B1 replaced AS10 resin remover, this is a Benzyl Alcohol Formic Acid replacing the Dichloromethane (DCM). Concerns about Dichloromethane and it’s health effects have led to a search for alternatives in many of its applications. On March 15, 2019, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a final rule to prohibit the manufacture (including importing and exporting), processing, and distribution of DCM in all paint removers for consumer use, effective in 180 days.

So Rustbuster R10/B1 is what we have, is it effective?


Simply put, yes!


We have tested this product to remove EM121 Epoxy MasticSlosh Fuel Tank Sealer and more, have a look below at the images. The test panel was painted to between 150-175microns over 10 days ago and then coated in the resin remover


Rustbuster’s R10/B1 Resin Remover


Test Panel coated in R10/B1 resin remover by brush


Rustbuster’s R10/B1 Resin Remover


2 hours after application


Rustbuster’s R10/B1 Resin Remover


18 Hours after application EM121 Removed.


Chris’s Top Tip,
If you are stripping old coatings chemically at this time of year it’s important to stop your stripper from drying out, do this work in a cool environment, once your paint stripper/resin remover has been applied cover it with some cling film and if required wet a tea towel and place over the top.

For more information on Rustbuster’s R10/B1 Resin Remover talk to Rustbuster Ltd

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